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Leptine last won the day on July 9 2023

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  1. So on Youtube I keep getting suggestions of vloggers-poadcasters from my country who made JFAD reviews after being in Venice, in the one I just checked the person (straight middle age man) is saying this second movie is better than the first.
  2. Hopefully he won't have another 'Blinding Lights' on his hands, I need DWAS to keep staying #1.
  3. Taylor is the first for sure abusing doing that, in Lana I still recognize artistic values even if she repeats herself whereas Taylor is just mediocre and bad.
  4. I doubt it’s gonna give it a really big push, there’s no much hype for this show anymore imo.
  5. Lana has amazing songs and albums, she’s a great artist that deserves more recognition also awards wise, but it also has been said that lot of her material is very similar between them with no artistic evolution playing always the same formula, her last 3 albums are honestly dull and boring with no standouts in comparison to NFR. She might go well on streaming and I totally agree in her case it’s very impressive but there’s nothing exciting in these albums drops that can make me stan, she’s not outstanding as performer and indeed she doesn’t do promo, the music has always the same sound and visually it’s always the same amateurish visuals with a retro 2010 IG filter. I think it’s more easy for an artist releasing music more often when you basically repeat always the same formula.
  6. Y’all can stop tracking Oscars predictions sites-articles, pundits base them just on reviews receptions, MC scores and Rotten, JFAD is gonna be dropped by majority.
  7. It peaked at #33 on our official charts.. These international songs don’t have high peaks positions anymore in here.
  8. As I said yesterday no International artist is doing big numbers anymore in here, not even Billie or Sabrina, our music market is flooded with trashy new artists that are big on streaming, but Gaga will always remain one of the most successful female international artist after Madonna in here.
  9. Hopefully the general audience reactions will be similar.
  10. I’m really curious, I don’t know what to expect but I hope it’s something edgy-particular.
  11. Leaving the JFAD discourse behind, I’ve been wondering what kind of first single she has on her hands, if it’s gonna be something ‘safe’ or if she will go all out with something edgy a la Abracadabra that was the snippet I liked the most and would be perfect for Halloween season.
  12. Ask him more or less how much screentime she has in comparison to Phoenix, thank you.
  13. Watch the critics praising this mess in order to appear hip and edgy for liking a movie like this.
  14. The best actress race is totally open for sure, but it’s better not having any kind of expectations at this point, plus new contenders will emerge in the next months. If somehow after this mess, Gaga will manage to get nominated in lead, I swear I will post my nudes.
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