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About totallyNOTentela

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  1. The best time to start the new era is early next year in January right after Christmas crazyness is over and the points are usually lower But knowing Godga and her team they will probably right before the Christmas freeze starts and the charts are flooded with those songs!
  2. Hello Chart Queen! We need your take, do the Godly Mary 1Billion USA streams count for the riaa certifications or not? We need that diamond certification so bad
  3. 100M in 2 days… 700M by the end of the year… Another 2B+ secured song in her catalogue… I remember how monstvrds were not enthusiastic about this song at all when it came out and now look at the results… It always ends up like this, they did the same with Shallow and it ended up as the biggest classic of this generation
  4. 100M streams within this week…insane I’m shocked cause I was told that her music career is over! Did it lie to us?
  5. Yall are so embarrassing you really don’t deserve GODGA’s art! Instead of being grateful that you stan an artist that has unmatched talent to excel in multiple genres, you want her to stay in the same box doing the same tired thing (and end up Perrished) Just worm for brains!
  6. Do we have any info on the potential spotify numbers? There was some account that had access to live numbers…ughh This song is such a masterpiece I can’t get it out of my head!
  7. Just jobless twitter stans coming up with a new theory every hour… Can someone post the writing/producing credits?
  8. You can not be eligible for an Oscar with a song using samples…
  9. Then we have Byeonce who booked Post Malone (who’s been smashing with his country material collabs) and she still bombed!
  10. Spotify daily artist #59 GODGA #66 Byeonce Only one of them released 3 albums worth of material post 2020…
  11. Did we discuss how Lady Gaga (with no album since 2020) surpassed the Queen of twitter vibes yesterday even after released 3 albums worth of material in the last 2 years?
  12. Why are people begging for GODGA to release right now? Like no offence but are you dvmb? Have you seen the stratospheric points on BB100 top 10 and Spotify top 10 currently? You’ve been waiting for 4 years…an extra 1-2month of wait will change nothing!
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