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The Fame Popster
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  1. It's probably around 27-30K? Not super far off. I am curious how many CDs are being sent out this week, I assume not enough to make a dent. Neither party has pushed them on socials either
  2. The rollercoaster reading this tweet was before I saw "Digital Song Sales"
  3. The song is already sitting at 26.5K uses on TikTok, her breakdown audio and a few fan edits scrape another 5K. And that number is similar on reels. I don't think it's as viral or sweeping as Bloody Mary but it's making the rounds and gaining traction. Rain On Me hasn't even reached that stat.
  4. Also, will be exciting to witness Joker dropping with this single most likely still reaching new peaks on radio.
  5. We've come a long way from hoping for Top 3 with Stupid Love's vinyl sales. It's unfortunate competition is so steep for #1, but #2 doesn't feel entirely out of the question given the trajectory it's currently on. We have a viral track on TikTok/Instagram translating back to streaming platforms. I don't think #1 is out of the question at all down the road, especially with two leading labels promoting this simultaneously at radio. Bloody Mary got Gaga very far on pop radio without too much effort, and now with a new track she's positioned well. Bruno's track record has been flawless. We are in for a success.
  6. I’m expecting Spotify numbers to come in around 4M unfiltered and land in the Top 20. It’s been a minute for both of them, and this feels like bait for radio first and foremost
  7. It seems her team is sticking with the 6-week single to album window, June 21st single, August 2nd album. Unless they want to wait longer, but that’s out of character for her and the industry
  8. Perfect Illusion doesn't demand a huge video. It perfectly suits the song and chaos of it.
  9. I don't think we can expect all her singles to hold like the earliest ones or ASIB. We've seen tons of big singles from there mid-10s struggle to retain streams, so looking at Million Reasons gain what it's gaining is pretty good. The only singles of hers that aren't aging great are The Edge of Glory, You And I, Marry The Night, The Cure, and Stupid Love. GUY is doing well for a 76 peak (lol)
  10. The last few albums were scheduled six weeks first single to album. That being said, maybe she’s due for a change this time around.
  11. It is weird, Halsey was slated for that week I thought? They won't push Selena and Gaga to radio on the same week. I'm sure if this is the approach Gaga's taking on social media we'll be getting more teasers as we approach.
  12. The pics aren't getting engagement but she's also posting at weird times for her normal. There's definitely an intent to tease new music, but there's no real cohesion to how she's doing it (where's management lollll)
  13. Agreed. I think ARTPOP and Born This Way both benefitted from a stronger lead up for fans.
  14. My theory is maybe we'll have a longer window between single and album this time? She normally does these quick rollouts, but maybe they'll change it up to give the album cycle more life due to Joker being an immediate project jump right after
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