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Everything posted by Daddy

  1. A perfectly justified reason to not care about the families and children that are being murdered!
  2. So who got 15,6 points extra?
  3. wtf omg welcome back @SLAG
  4. Komal the sustainable Queen that you are
  5. Still cannot believe @Dean Judaster is in top 4
  6. Third one for sure!!! 9/10
  7. We will rate @Jeroin2000 entry!!
  8. 81(-1) Katy perry bonus 63 (-6) doja cat 65 (-5) harry styles 83 (+1) Adele
  9. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/6/text-of-the-ceasefire-proposal-approved-by-hamas
  10. If she can speak about Ukraine, why not about Palestine?
  11. Monthly listeners 55,437,136 (+64,136) 39th in the world!!
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