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Everything posted by thetea

  1. i've been so busy this week so far. it's monday night and i already have a pile of task piling up so i probably won't be that active for a while

    1. YourPocko


      Good luck :kiss:

  2. unrelated but.- ugh spotify still hasn't given me the one feature that i want. i want to be able to change album covers like i can on apple music easily without having to upload local files. it would be nice if they also allowed animated GIF covers to be uploaded to songs too because i've been making animated covers for some of my fav albums
  3. whoever made this ad should be fired. it looks tacky and fanmade. even saying fanmade is an insult to the fans because fans literally made better commercials than this
  4. a better video would've been amazing. i can literally see the poorly edited green screen throughout the video. i honestly don't get how gaga let that happen
  5. ugh the way i'm supposed to be sleeping but i can't because for this entire lockdown i've been staying up watching suits till 4am and now i can't sleep
  6. what about that "ego-less", friendly open workspace she had with all her producers
  7. you know it's bad when a festival sound editor makes a better sound than the producer
  8. k goodnight everyone! i'm going to watch suits and go to sleep, i have school tomorrow:bradley:

  9. it was my sister's 19th birthday today and we had a party with my family (26 people - all close family) and then i was feeling like sh*t, i had the worst migraine so i went to sleep, but before i did i packed some food away for me to eat when i woke up. when i wake up still feeling like sh*t but hungry, i found out that someone chucked my food away and i was about to cry because i'm so emotional when i wake up:icant: anyway moral of the story, if you want food packed away for you, keep it with you in case someone tries to chuck it away

  10. adele would blow rihanna out of the water. rihanna has never had good album sales (even when rated r was sold for 99c) except for anti, but i wonder if she can recreate it's success
  11. i swear i'm the pettiest b*tch. i've been replying to all the gaga haters like Almost Home and Jjang and leaving passive aggressive comments on ATRL

  12. I can tell that the Ari X Drake collab is gonna be a bop, especially on a chill type beat like Girls Need Love by summer walker, i love this song
  13. ugh i can't wait for the slayage when she releases but i'm hoping gaga gets in before she does. apparently march is supposed to be a packed month with a lot of releases.
  14. i find it weird that people hate on cardi for not writing her own songs, when she does. by this logic, if writing is a measure of talent shouldn't rihanna be talentless since she doesn't write or produce most of her songs and Whitney houston since she barely wrote her own songs?
  15. i find it hard to believe that people say she's a flop when she would've had a #1 debut if it weren't for radio blocking her, and she has an album with 3.4 billion streams
  16. shallow really is that b*tch. it was the 86th most streamed song globally today with 1,104,995 streams
  17. but is it really a hit if we're comparing it to Justin, Selena and Dua's debuts
  18. omg what. i listen to it like everyday. i actually like just dance more than poker face
  19. am i the only one that thinks colby o donis sounds good on just dance and he actually suits the song really well.
  20. i honestly don't get why gaga's youtube views aren't as good as other pop stars whose songs weren't as big. gaga needs some youtube payola
  21. i feel like it would be shallow. it gets slightly more streams everyday and i hope shallow can make it to the top 10 most streamed songs soon
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