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Everything posted by thetea

  1. I would love it if Gaga came back and promoted Rain On Me. If she released all the promo materials she scrapped, and even recorded a new verse with Ariana and released like limited edition vinyls, cds, merch. It would probably go #1 again and she'd have two number ones for the same song. But she's probably not gonna release another single and if she does it'll probably be Sour Candy.
  2. I agree. Perfect Illusion was a terrible lead single. Million Reasons would've done better, and it seems like in today's climate Gaga's ballads do better on the charts and people know them better. My parents know and love Million Reasons and they love her ballad songs like ARUTW, Dope, Shallow.
  3. Yeah but in the historical context, it's most commonly used to describe Australia. Some people use it to describe New Zealand but most people think of Australia. People wouldn't use the term "down under" to describe the pacific islands, some of Brazil, and Antartica which are also under the equator
  4. Yeah, I was reading that Australia was having a COVID-19 Outbreak or whatever, but I don't really watch the news so I don't know if it was in Sydney or not. I don't know why there still using the phrase "Down Under". That's a term really used to describe Australia and not so much New Zealand.
  5. `I was hoping they'd do a red swirl vinyl like everyone thought they would.
  6. Why couldn't they do a Europe exclusive to make up for the fact that the Oreos are just standard ones. Now the U.S gets Chromatica themed oreos and exclusive packaging
  7. If I'm being honest, I hated her debut album. It sounded radio engineered to me, but she step up her game significantly for Future Nostalgia and the whole album was a bop. I got sick of it because i was listening to it so much, but I still enjoy BMH, DSN, and Levitating. Unpopular opinion but Hallucinate is the worst track on the album, and BMH is the best
  8. OMG you're so lucky. I wanted to buy one so bad, but I'm not financially stable for it and shipping is so overpriced. These are the times I wish I lived in the U.S to get 1 day shipping. I'm stuck waiting 4 weeks to 3 months for packages
  9. Where did you find it, those are so hard to find for a good price
  10. I love political drama tv shows and murder ones surrounding politics which is why i really enjoyed How To Get Away With Murder. That's so interesting that it was recorded at your university, Viola Davis is such a queen
  11. OMG I forgot about the 100l. It should be on my list at number 3. I finished it and it was amazing. My third fav show ever. The seventh season was terrible though. So unrealistic and wasn't grounded in reality in some sense like the other seasons. But an amazing show. My favourite character was Lexa and Indra. Who's your favourite?
  12. Also I think Second Time Around would be a good bonus track on The Fame. It's so 2000's R&B
  13. I would've added Red Flame too. If she finished it, and didn't leave it as a demo, fixed up her vocals and the instrumental it could've been a huge bop. Azealia's rapping was good and complimented Gaga's singing.
  14. They're shooting it in New Zealand in my city. Who would've thought. They're starting recording on the 29th apparently.
  15. Do they sell it outside of the U.S and Europe. I want to get it in New Zealand but they don't have it.
  16. I agree. It's so unrealistic for an album to sell that many copies nowadays unless you're adele. And if it was 7 million, The Fame would be certified Diamond soon, and The Fame and maybe even Born This Way in a few years
  17. I also read somewhere that Judas would've peaked a lot higher than #10 if YouTube had counted
  18. Oh that sucks. I wish they would've left it, so it would be 11x platinum, but it's fine. They should really lower the threshold for diamond certified albums, because they just sell less now
  19. And it never went #1 which further goes to show that the charts doesn't always show what's popular . (bad romance not going #1) (TROLLZ being #1)
  20. I heard that Breaking Bad and The Wire are amazing but there both not on Netflix for me. I was going to watch Breaking Bad, but when i went to watch it on netflix it was gone. My country just got the office, so i might watch that
  21. When the vaccine rolls out, it will and if people stop believing their worth being microchipped and tracked!
  22. I know Gaga loves Rick and Morty. Remember when she tweeted asking someone to make a Chromatica one? I've been meaning to watch Breaking Bad, it looks like something I would love.
  23. Does anyone know if Poker Face was audited for diamond at the same time as Bad Romance when the formula counted worldwide views for Bad Romance or if it was audited at a different time when the formula was different?
  24. Also, I hope they update Just Dance and Shallow a the same time so that they both go diamond at the same time. I saw another user say that and completely agreed. I'm also waiting for The Fame to go diamond now. I checked Wikipedia, its at 6x platinum now and it sold 290k or something last year so I'm wondering when it will be eligible for diamond
  25. You know what would be so cool but will probably never happen. Is if they never certify it, until they're sure it hits diamond (which it probably never will) then update it to 10x platinum. Would it be the first song to go from 1x platinum to diamond?
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