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Everything posted by thetea

  1. How hard would it be for him to integrate free health care? Would that take like 10 years or 5 or what, if he was to do it
  2. I've always thought it to be an album. it has 8 tracks. I thought her label just did that to combine TF and TFM sales for higher sales of the same album? Did I get the wrong info
  3. That was amazing. It gave me chills. Her vocals were so amazing and she was belting at the end. President 2024 confirmed
  4. I'm hoping Chromatica gets to 52 weeks and charts for a year. Joanne narrowly missed that by 3 weeks (charted 49 weeks). U.S monsters keep streaming and buying Chromatica
  5. That's gonna take so long. It barely gets streams, so we should work on BTW then ARTPOP
  6. Does anyone know where to get the ARTPOP Walmart CD for cheap? (foiled and non foiled) I literally cannot find it anywhere for under $35 dollars and thats without shipping
  7. Do you think that the TFM+TF UO vinyl will go up in price when stocks go out or is it worth buying something rare with the same money. It would cost me nearly $80 for it cause of shipping and I was thinking about getting it in March
  8. Oh ok, that's cool. I was hoping they'd do marble designs like they did for Britney's albums.
  9. Oh ok. My pressing of BTW is from europe and it sounds pretty bad, not gonna lie. I think they were just poorly pressed, I checked the comments of discogs and a lot of people had issues with it too.
  10. Oh thats nice. What's your turntable setup?
  11. Is this for the Chromatica vinyl?
  12. The ARTPOP one looks pretty but what I thought would've looked nice is if the blue was the same shade as the Koons Ball and it was slightly translucent.
  13. Yes! They should put more effort in for the first single to build momentum but you can tell not that much effort was put in. She didn't have that many interviews, no performances, not as many ads on Spotify as taylor did. and the music video... Maybe next era she'll come back stronger with Dua style TTH playlisting and radio payola. I don't get why they didn't invest in radio payola for ROM and SL. ROM could've lasted so much longer
  14. Really. I heard from people that the UO mastering was terrible and the songs skip a lot?
  15. It's weird to think that Stupid Love could've gone #1 if she had released like 5-8 remixes throughout the first week, had better playlisitng and radio payola. Gaga can get #1's if she wants but its like she doesn't want them that much or her team is just lazy
  16. I don't know how they managed to do that. They recorded it on the newest iPhone at the time which can record 4k60fps. But the video is in 1080p and it looks like it's 480p. It's a good video, but looks very cheap because of the subpar production
  17. Dont forget the dead witch remixes, the flying witch remixes, the sick witch remixes
  18. They're probably Madonna stans still upset about Born This Way vs Express Yourself
  19. Why is Just Dance not higher? She might not have a career without it
  20. Guys stop being so so rude to Dua Lipa. How can you expect her to stay in her mansion for more than a few hours without going to the beach, shopping and travelling to more places than I've been to in my life during a pandemic with her anti-vaxxer boyfriend?
  21. I guess it's ok that he's talking about the struggle of restaurant owners but if he had money to donate to reupublicans wouldn't he have some for his restaurant? Also why are people saying Gaga should just pay out the workers and pay for everything at the restaurant in the comments when it's literally not her problem. She can't be expected to come save her dad from his own struggling restaurant. I've seen the reviews of that place, their pretty bad and it seems like the only people that come to his restaurant is gaga fans
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