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Everything posted by thetea

  1. TV shows are better than watching movies. Movie's are boring and you don't get to form a connection with the characters and be as invested in the storyline because there isn't enough time for better character development.
  2. Really, for most it's one of the worst songs off BTW. The sax solo is amazing though
  3. I agree, there's no stigmas for listening to male music though. You can listen to any male artist without being labelled gay, basic or white. (besides 1D, BTS)
  4. Am I the only one who thought LWYMMD was a good first single. it's visuals were stunning
  5. Were people not looking at you. I live in the hood of my city and people would laugh at me and look
  6. Would love. She should implement some hip hop beats to broaden her appeal to urban markets
  7. I just don't like country. If she sticks with the slow piano songs, she can break the stigma, but if she goes back to SIO, YNTCD, ME! pop then she'll just turn off the GP more.
  8. Hehe and over 3 months I bought the entire stores Chromatica supply.
  9. This is true, and that's what stops a lot of people from listening to her. People don't want to be told that their a basic white girl and get judged by their friends and that
  10. me too, the day Chromatica came out, I streamed on Spotify (premium) made an apple music account, made a playlist on youtube playing ROM, SL, SC and bought it in store
  11. I loved rep, but some of the visuals were a bit cringe. LWYMMD was one of my favs from the album and she chose right making that the lead
  12. Yeah definitely, they won't even buy her songs on iTunes, and I've seen people insisting on listening to her music on youtube, where it counts the least on the charts for points and sales
  13. I hope she does. But please Taylor, don't go back to Country. I HATE COUNTRY
  14. Yeah, that's why I don't really tell people those things. I just have anxiety, and I just have this huge fear of what people think of me. Like it literally gives me panic attacks, I've been learning to stop caring though.
  15. Gaga stans are pretty lazy, they'd rather complain about no promotion then stream her music. Kinda like Katy Clowns lowering Chromatica's metacritic rating instead of streaming Smile
  16. No, not really. I like Taylor and I'm not basic, I'm half white and not a girl, but that's just what the general consensus is. I think that if she continues down the line of Folklore she could break that stigma, like how Gaga broke the stigma that she was a weirdo, that her music is only for gay people. She needs to have a huge song like Shallow
  17. Same with Gaga, I'm afraid. I've noticed the GP didn't really pay attention to Chromatica, but Gaga has a big fanbase so her albums will basically always go #1. I also noticed that people respect Gaga as an artist more, especially after ASIB.
  18. I would be a swiftie and be more involved in Taylor's music but part of me just can't. She still has this stigma surrounding her that only "basic white girls" listen to her and I just don't like being judged because I still care what people think about me and you don't really know the culture I live in and just what people believe. Also I don't like her fans constant bragging and saying she's "the music industry" when her song fell 37 spots second week. If you were truly "the music industry" you're song would not fall 37 places second week regardless of Christmas.
  19. They act as if her success is so worldwide, which it is, but charts don't really show mainstream success or relevancy to a significant extent, and in my country it went #1, but the charts here aren't hard to break. Ed Sheeran's Divide is still #14 on the charts and an album which came out in 2015 is still at #10
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