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Everything posted by thetea

  1. Yeah, and the charts thread is so dead. No one posts there anymore. I went to sleep for 10 hours and there were like 30 new pages when I came back on this page
  2. I just subtly insult people, sometimes by using vocabulary they don't understand, then say something nice at the end so then they think I'm being nice
  3. I was banned too, but I deserved it. Anyway that was in like June last year so I grew up from that attitude
  4. We should definitely do that. I'm extremely passive aggressive to everyone, apparently everyone else in this fanbase is too with all the shady comments y'all leave. We should definetly do that
  5. If she does this I'm gonna be so mad. She needs to release it over time, Sour Candy first to get that #1. Then release Babylon as a single, with the Early Version released mid-week to boost it on the charts (potentially to #1). It could go #1, especially with how much the fanbase complained about Gaga not releasing the early version
  6. That is a very bold claim. If nothing happens, then he will be crucified. Also its bound to leak, we know how Gaga is with leak anyway. We know what Gaga's team is like and the brilliance of their security measures
  7. Why is Justin Bieber always hopping on songs that are headed to #1. They're usually terrible remixes. Driver's License Remix featuring Nicki Minaj for her 232nd feature and Justin Bieber
  8. No but for real, I love Britney. She's such a sweetheart and a pure soul. We must protect her and get her away from her father
  9. and not having rumours that someone else sung her entire album for her!
  10. it was such a hit there. Canadian hot 100 is so much better than the U.S
  11. It was such a reach. What kind of idiot compares their art to something a fan edited. Just because you had alien aesthetics for your flop album doesn't mean someone who probably doesn't know you exist stole your looks. Serving very much Azealia getting mad at all female artists who did a mermaid look teas
  12. It's like her only song that gets good streams and I get why, its such a good song and its very remembered, even now
  13. Until some major event happens again then she cancels for 6 months and doesn't say anything to avoid twitter nobody's telling her to read the room
  14. Now all Gaga needs to do is make a song that can be played in a straight club (i don't know what you call those) like The Cure but less generic and all around better
  15. Australia stanning the best song on Chromatica. These people are hyped up, those people playing Replay were boring. Don't go to a nightclub if you're just gonna stand there and not drink and dance and have fun
  16. She's been posting quite regularly. She only posts if she's about to release something. Or maybe it just means nothing and she's posting for fun
  17. The ROM video wasn't that great in my opinion. 911 was better. What made me love Bad Romance is that all the choreography she did was simple and easy to learn, but ROM is so intricate and hard to learn. In Bad Romance her steps were always on beat, and in ROM especially in those jumping scenes it feels off
  18. It was OK in NZ, no one was panic buying toilet paper and other essential items but people were panic buying flour!! Like um, I had to go to a dairy / convenience store to find a bag of flour and it was $7 for a 500g bag
  19. If only she would come back to NZ and Australia. She hasn't been to NZ since 2012 for the BTW ball
  20. Theres like two in the north island. We haven't had any community transmitted cases until today, only people coming in from overseas. They have to stay in a hotel for two weeks but I don't know the full story but someone didnt follow the rules and spread it to the community I think. 2 people got it. We didn't have it for many many months before this. I have family in Australia, they live in Brisbane and they were telling me about all the panic buying for A 3 DAY LOCKDOWN. Did your city experience any panic buying?
  21. All her albums are timeless except The Fame. It was very of the time, and did not age as gracefully as the rest
  22. I think this is the issue. People who wear masks think that they can do whatever the f*** they want because the mask will it works in conjunction with social distancing and staying at home. Having a mask doesn't mean you can go everywhere and do what you want. (not talking about u btw)
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