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Everything posted by thetea

  1. Is the name Queerty a twist on the keyboard name QWERTY because it sounds like QUEER or am I just an idiot?
  2. If I saw Cats in theatre and I didn't have any popcorn or drink left
  3. I watched What Happened to Monday. It's on Netflix, i had to use a vpn to watch it but yeah. Highly highly recommend, it was an amazing movie. Especially if you like Sci-Fi post-apocalyptic type films. Even though there's no apocalypse there's just overpopulation. Highly highly recommend. No boring bits throughout the movie.
  4. If gaga lives in his building, then Gaga also lives in my house and she played me the Sour Candy video and showed me her promo plans. The videos coming out next friday, but she's thinking about never releasing it for fun!
  5. If only GGD hadn't bullied BabylonHooker, the only reliable insider off the platform
  6. They should make a oreo in each box have the Chromatica tribe symbols like this:
  7. I don't like BLACKPINK's titling for everything. THE ALBUM, THE SHOW. It sounds like an attempt to seem grand, but it doesn't come across to me well. Is it just me?
  8. I do both. But doesn't like 1000 streams or something equal one sale. So I do both, buying it does much more for the charts then streaming
  9. I agree. It seems like she lost her passion for music. but i love that she's exploring other avenues
  10. I kind of do. If a song comes out, I will buy it on iTunes, support it in anyway I can
  11. I agree. I think they achieved what they set out to do, but I don't get why they didn't try for more. Why didn't they try get another #1 single or another top 10 single. It seems like Gaga has gotten a bit lazy in her work ethic. Remember when she wanted 10 singles from BTW now she barely releases 2
  12. I feel bad for them too. If you're life is this dependant on Gaga promoting her album, and you feel like your life is falling apart, and your friends are having fights over it, then you seriously need help. Not in a mean way. Being dependant on someone, especially a celebrity is unhealthy, and these people need to find a source of happiness within themselves or something. Music is healing, but relying on the maker of said music to promote the music and depending on them to this extent is very worrying. I want content from Gaga too, but my life isn't falling apart because she isn't promoting. I'm not fighting with my friends, I'm just disappointed
  13. I kind of agree. I think she tried to capitalise of Chromatica II being a TikTok trend and it failed, but I also think she has an artistic vision in everything she does. Good or bad
  14. Just as I thought it couldn't get dramatic, friends on GGD got into a fight because of the rumour. It's kinda worrying how dependant people's lives are on Gaga promoting her album. Just listen to the album and enjoy it, we have a performance and 3 music videos. That should be enough. I do feel bad for them, but if you're friendship is falling apart over a collaboration rumour, then you must question the authenticity and strength of your friendship.
  15. Do y'all care if Gaga gets #1 hits. Would you mind if her next single went #10 or something. I personally care about it, and I'm hoping that Sour Candy can go #1 and another single off Chromatica. Gaga can do it if she pulls Taylor style fraudery but I don't think she'd do it
  16. It would go top 20, but top 20 sucks. I want it to go #1. It can if Gaga releases enough CD's, one with each of the girls, vinyls and remixes. It won't go #1 because of Drivers License. If it did go #1 it would be gaga's first album to have 2 #1s since her debut
  17. Something smart. It was so funny and their reactions were so overdramatic
  18. Me too, I'm more leaning to this, but I'm open to the possibility of Friday. If it was me I would've held off for 4-5 weeks so that it would have the chance to go #1. It won't against Drivers License
  19. So what is the general consensus? Do we believe Sour Candy will come this Friday or not?
  20. This is disgusting. If this is a form of "parenting" then you do not deserve kids, nor should you have them. Teaching your kids by public humiliation will only result in them resenting you, fearing you, and just not feeling comfortable telling you anything. I learnt this from my mother
  21. That's awful. I'm glad on this forum people are more educated on POC issues and don't result to passive aggressive reactions. I would rather people just stray away from posting racial injustices on forums if people are just going to disrespect the issue or LMAO it, which is why I rarely bring up what ethnicities I am (i'm biracial btw)
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