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Everything posted by thetea

  1. I thought I'd post some chart facts! I would post Gaga but there's like nothing to track there
  2. proof payola works. this song that no one likes is still at #13!
  3. Look how weak the charts are. Gaga could get 2x #1 for C3C at this rate, but Bobby is her manager
  4. I don't know why this hasn't happened. It would make perfect sense.
  5. That is a lot of money. I would never pay over $20 for a virtual concert because it's basically just watching a music video
  6. where is everyone finding these leaked documents. I couldn't find them
  7. what does this mean? the recording was terrible? gaga's performing wasn't good?
  8. I thought she couldn't release the JWT footage because of her MGM contract
  9. then how was she going to release it the next week or something if it wasn't recorded? ARTPOP era was such a mess
  10. Why didn't gaga release the venus video. It makes no sense to me that she records entire music videos, has them edited and everything but doesn't release them
  11. venus doesn't have a music video? I thought the execution was good, but it was too long of a video so it flopped
  12. maybe it's me but folklore has a lot of skips. i'm listening to it rn and it has like 6 good songs
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