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Everything posted by thetea

  1. oh sorry i thought you meant they weren't quarantining.
  2. This is a stretch, who's going to an amusement park in the middle of a pandemic, and anyway evermore is a commonly used word in the english language
  3. Evermore, a fantasy themed amusement park in Pleasant Grove Utah, is suing Taylor Swift for trademark infringement over her most recent album of the same name. According to court documents viewed by Pitchfork, the suit seeks millions in damages, plus all legal fees, and alleges that the release of Swift’s record has led to confused guests and negatively affected the park’s searchability on Google. The Plaintiffs also state that Swift’s release infringes on the park’s merchandise designs and album covers for their original soundtracks. Swift’s team have denied the accusations in a letter filed in court, referring to the suit as “baseless.” “Put simply, the Swift Parties have not infringed your client’s trademark,” the letter states. “It is inconceivable that there is any likelihood of confusion between your client’s theme park and related products and Ms. Swift’s music and related products.” The letter also points out that Evermore Park’s sale of items such as “small dragon eggs, guild patches, and a small dragon mount” are not similar to the products sold on Swift’s website. The artist’s team declined Evermore Park’s demand that they “cease and desist from [the] use of the EVERMORE trademark.” https://pitchfork.com/news/taylor-swift-sued-by-utah-theme-park-evermore-over-trademark/
  4. YASS it's streams are going up. I love this photo, it's so sweet
  5. so his albums are going #1 because he said this? what bulls***. he was dropped from his label, which i think is a bit aggressive, but it's good he's being called out for it. no surprise a country artist is being racist
  6. nope. that entire website consists of Gaga haters or "OGH"as they would say
  7. it's speaks volumes to how big of a hit Shallow is when it is getting more streams than ROM when it came out two years ago.
  8. OMG BR is getting more than ARUTW. Bad Romance was truly a hit, and anyone (ATRL gays) who says it's not remembered, wtf is this
  9. wait what? i think that it would make more sense for them to hire australian singers, but maybe there's just a lack of them to hire
  10. I feel so bad for people in COVID affected countries that are following the rules and guidelines but still have a lot of cases from people who think they know better
  11. NZ is the same. We have to scan QR codes, we don't have to social distance in any way or wear masks, but Aus & NZ are handling COVID much better than the rest of the world
  12. I partially agree with this. Even if her team posted something to her instagram about Chromatica, but we also don't know what's going on behind the scenes. She doesn't tell us, so it's kinda wrong to assume
  13. you can tell she just went there to avoid following covid restrictions in her country which she wasn't following anyway
  14. as they should. she's an embarrassment and putting people's lives in danger and putting amounts of money that no one thought she could afford into her stupidity and selfishness. This is literally the british to her right now:
  15. i know right. who does she think she is? she probably went to australia so she wouldn't have to put up with covid restrictions which she didn't follow anyway
  16. thetea

    Gay Culture

    my dad trying to watch sports with me and telling me about it and me pretending i need to clean to avoid it
  17. thetea

    Gay Culture

    my brother asking me about cars and not understanding a word of what he's saying and/or doing
  18. I love Rihanna. She is so unfiltered and she doesn't feel like a celebrity. She's down to earth and feels like someone I would know. She tweets a lot, she replies to people's instagram messages and even comments
  19. who does she think she is going to another country that has no COVID-19 cases and thinking she can do whatever she wants. Anyway I guess now she doesn't have to spend her life savings for a birthday party because she can't have it
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