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Everything posted by thetea

  1. it is worrying. I was asking a few pages ago, if his music was rising on the charts because of what he said or because he's successful but it's clear people are buying his albums because of what he said, and it's so disappointing
  2. I'm also wondering though, if radio stopped playing him because he was racist, or because they were scared of what people's reaction would be if they played him
  3. he definetly deserved this. racism has no place in society, and people need to learn they cannot do these things.
  4. none really for me except my aunty said that a ghost strangled her while she was sleeping, but it could've just been her in a drugged out manic.
  5. um no because the song is one of the worst from chromatica
  6. why is she's following the trend of her song titles being in all lowercase
  7. i wouldn't be that mad at this but if she released fun tonight as a single then i would cry
  8. lets just wait and see his next single will be interesting for sure
  9. omg i have the worst anxiety, but i play it off as me being overdramatic because that's what i was raised to believe. i get paranoid about everything and i think that everyone hates me. i'm getting better though

    1. thetea


      that's why i love forums, i can be myself without worrying how people look at me (as much) or how i'm dressed or just my body image. 

  10. i'm not sure, sorry. I've never posted on this forum from a phone. I've only ever done it from a MacBook
  11. i always used to watch it and I remember it being australian people, or most of them at least. Maybe it's just hard to find people
  12. here's how i do it. you go to imgur.com then you click new post (you don't have to sign up), drag your picture in, once it looks like this and says upload complete you right click and then click copy image address then paste it into the forum thread the link should look like this when you paste it in here https://i.imgur.com/KTQo3H2.png
  13. this. it doesn't matter if she said it's stale. people will buy it because of the shocking, odd colour palette and to see if it's actually stale and bad like she says. It's also apparently really hard to find, so it makes people want it more. Seems the oreos are gonna become more known than the album it represents
  14. I have a love / hate relationship with Trisha. She's really problematic (and I mean extremely problematic), but when she's not I relate to her so much. Especially with her problems with eating, struggle with being fat, and just her personality as a whole. She makes me really mad sometimes though with what she says about other people, how she bullied a 15 year old girl and just her casual racism.
  15. but the rest flopped. His album didn't have that many sales and you can literally tell that his career is going down the toilet. Even he knows he's flopping. He'd have to reinvent himself and do something different to stay relevant, but right now he's fading into irrelevancy with the only times he's relevant is when he does shocking things like shi***ng into a diaper and posting it onto the internet
  16. his antics are not working anymore. He's barely in the spotlight, his album flopped terribly, and the public does not like or care for him. What reason would they have to keep him if all his singles and his album is flopping?
  17. that's fine, it'll be his last. he has no future in the music industry. it's just a matter of time before he's dropped. what label would put an audit in at RIAA for a career going nowhere. his antics only got him so far. he has no talent to back it up
  18. people are so money hungry, and the lengths they'll go to get money even though they know it's morally wrong is depressing
  19. fun fact about me: i was born on good friday

  20. Do y'all think Mariah can get her record back for longest #1 over time with AIWFCIY?
  21. i can't tell if she's trying to be shady or just funny but any word that has "old" in it's definition does not go with Mariah Carey. According to even MC herself, she's eternally 12. Anyway Mariah Carey stays unbothered with her yearly reoccurring #1
  22. I agree, but there is a stigma surrounding country artists that they are all racist. But if people are getting dropped by their label for saying it then shouldn't Justin Bieber be dropped for doing it in this video, or are labels just selectively picking who to drop:
  23. I know them. I remember seeing Delta on the voice. She was my fav judge. I haven't watched The Voice in quite a while, but I used to watch it every week. It came on on sundays
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