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Everything posted by thetea

  1. i'm really hoping it does, talk of the charts is predicting 3 or something, but that's without web sales because those can never be accurately predicted. i think she'll serve longevity in the top 10 unlike most #1 debuts of last year
  2. it's been so hot lately. it's the peak of summer and it's been raining but still really hot. humidity is at 92% right now (its 8:50pm), wouldn't be surprised if it was 100% during the day

    1. YourPocko


      summer??? now??? Ummmm!?/ :stopga:

  3. that producer is clearly out of touch with reality. the pre-recorded extras are what make those interesting, and now that he saw how a fully live performance affects viewership maybe he'll put respect on other artists names who gave the Super Bowl half time show high views and not shade artists like twitter gays would
  4. the song is baddddd and justin timberlake is worse, but i'll still stream for 100m because gaga
  5. they probably did that by accident. many people reported accidentally being given two signed cards instead of one. her merch team is horrible, they either never ship, don't ship the correct item (one person got shipped a milk jug and it was from gaga's store - they had receipts), forget things or accidently include extra stuff
  6. that looks interesting... welp if gagas not gonna promote, why not let the tiktok algorithm promote her
  7. I had these custom made by kunaki.com it was $1.20 for the cd and $5 for the shipping, although it took a very long time to come. I couldn't find TFM brunette cover so I had this digital made. the website did a good job, although the edges of the back were cut in quite a bit, so the credits are right at the edge. i designed the cd to be a zoomed in version of the standard tfm cover
  8. this was so funny. i remember seeing it when it came out, i used to watch his videos a lot
  9. period. i love eating dahl with rice and making vegetarian samosas. indian food is so versatile and caters to so many diets
  10. since like literally always. it's not after the fruit, it's our national bird, i think its endemic to new zealand. they are a dying breed now because when the pakeha introduced rats, possums and other rodents into the country in the 19th century those rodents prey and attack kiwis. to think nz would have no rats, possums or any sort of rodents if the pakeha had checked their boats
  11. i agree on this, it is the artists fault in the end. they would ship cds one year later, now they have to ship it first week and their songs leak because of it. it's still a problem though that artists have to worry about leaks so much.
  12. i think billboards rule of cds and vinyls counting as a sale the week they ship is a mistake. artists will use this to their advantage to stay higher up on the chart, like taylor did. also if artists want to go #1 first week, it'll be hard to prevent leaks
  13. i read about this. it also said that an analysis was done on some of paula abdul's #1s and they wouldn't have got there if soundscan had tracked how many units she sold and maybe wouldn't have even gone top 5
  14. the fact that save your tears will overtake drivers license soon
  15. the fact that gaga's biggest album didnt go #1. Chromatica is going down again but i think it can make it to 40+ weeks
  16. didn't paula abdul get her #1s at a time when soundscan didn't exist and it was based off shipments
  17. because of a youtube music awards ad which somehow counted heavily on the chart. it was very frontloaded, look how long it lasted on the chart
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