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Everything posted by thetea

  1. i'm a native english speaker and i still don't know what this is
  2. i can't with the fact that bts fans are still holding this song up so high
  3. just woke up to see everyone talking about cunniliningus and peoples sexualities leaning towards disco sticks
  4. yassss i love this album. it doesn't get that much love because it was squeezed between two bigger albums but this album is so good, i love almost every song.
  5. anyway goodnight loves:gaga-thanks: its 11:13pm and i'm tired.

  6. edit found it. this person is such a hater, and is clearly just a troll on the site to bring controversy. don't know why the atrl team hasn't banned it
  7. ATRL truly has terrible moderation. People get away with saying terrible things, and they aren't banned. especially these users there's one more but i can't find them
  8. original youtube queen. remember when bad romance was the most viewed video on youtube and HD wasn't even on the platform yet
  9. ew, it's a terrible person. ew to think it could be on popa911 or ggd is so sad considering how much it hates on gaga and trashes anything and everything anyone does thats not rihanna
  10. they were, now people wouldn't even bat an eye. shows how much growth we've had as a society. it's strange people have become more sensitive, but less sensitive at the same time
  11. yep, she proved to them that she's versatile. gaga really knows how to fit into different markets. she needs to do a more r&b hip hop esque album to please more markets and because i would love that
  12. i was bullied too. it seemed everyone hated gaga because she was different and "weird" and represented the LGBTQ community. These are the same people who i still know that preach kindness, body positivity, black lives matter and every other movement which Gaga openly supported and they hated on her.
  13. it would be cool if it did re chart. it's weird seeing how bad his Super Bowl performance was but how big of a boost it gave his discography
  14. i would be so happy if straight men got into gaga without fearing people will call them gay or whatever. but god forbid a straight man do something that could remotely be emasculating.
  15. wouldn't it have to chart above 50. i think the recurrent rules are a bit dumb, but good at the same time. it would pad out songs chart run but it would also allow songs that are only charting because of radio, to chart for a lot longer
  16. also yasss my likes have gone over my posts if you get what i mean

  17. my biggest enemy is truly me

  18. update: so i've found a lead on an artpop vinyl, it's the original with dwuw, so it's for auction and the auction ends this sunday, so i'm gonna wait it out and see if i can get it for a cheap price.
  19. omg sorry for taking so long to reply, it got lost in my notifications. thats so cool! Could you post a pic?
  20. these images are very manipulated. it's very unrealistic to look this thin.
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