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Everything posted by thetea

  1. and she had the audacity to call gaga's songs generic, like gurll i like you, but before you actually write and come up with your own songs, don't talk s**t about other artists who actually write their songs. i would put the interview but i can't find it anymore
  2. new profile pic


    "i don't know her":billie:


    1. Daddy
    2. BenG


      the family guy x chromatica one's still the best

  3. we can always rely on gaga's team to make sure that: the wrong song is labelled in her music videos making it ineligible to chart her lead single leaks months before release that the links in her site led to pornographic materials
  4. love ur now profile pic:gaga-thanks: this look really suits cardi

  5. it surprises me how talented everyone is at talking out of their a**. those people are the worst, they know nothing of the situation besides what they read in the headlines and then make presumptions off their lack of knowledge
  6. taylor should've made music videos for all the songs on folklore. the stories the songs tell are so interesting and it would be cool to see the story she tells in the song told in a video

  7. this video is so good. i wish there was a bit more dancing and more of a storyline though.
  8. i hope gaga's dogs are fine. with the news coming out about someone being taken into custody, i hope it's them. this made me give me cat a huge hug and some cat treats. i don't know what i'd do if someone stole my cat, but i'm lucky she's fat and lazy and just sleeps on the couch the whole day:enigma:


  9. can joanne re-chart with the urban outfitters vinyl being released? it needs to make it to one year charting, it's at 49 weeks right now
  10. the way that everyone thought mariah carey was flopping in 2000 because Thank God I Found You only spent one week at #1:icant:

  11. the way that we're excited about a sequel to a jazz album that everyone complained about in 2014
  12. i'm from new zealand, and for me it's marmite. it's the new zealand equivalent of vegemite, i personally prefer vegemite. one that's from my culture is called pitako, it's made of tapioca starch, sugar, hand squeezed coconut cream and coconut shavings. it kind of looks like this, but whoever cooked this can't cook, they overcooked it
  13. me too. i don't really like sad movies / sad songs so those weren't really my thing but i love these types of movies so i'm excited for this
  14. i honestly don't see why gaga doesn't release it now. adele might have released her album by them and adele is matched by no one. i hope she has a good promo plan and it goes #1. it might be tony's last
  15. yesss it's so annoying. especially considering the whole point of netflix was for it to be cheaper than subscription channels when with all these services it costs the same or even more. the movie and tv show industry needs to get it together and put everything in one place
  16. i find it kind of disgusting that a lot of ATRL members weaponise white privilege and black suffrage to demean artists success and/or reduce their success due to their skin colour. 

    1. thetea


      most of the people who do this are white men, and when called out for it, they say they are a POC when everyones knows they aren't:katy:

  17. ugh my teacher was bullying me today and was talking sh*t about me to the whole class while i was there and i was like um b*tch. anyway i'm petty so i took his posters off the wall and put them in the rubbish when he wasn't looking and tomorrow i'm going to be extremely passive aggressive and shady to him and roll my eyes every time he looks at me:romance: maybe if he didn't have such a bad attitude he wouldn't look 80 when he's like 45:katy:

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. thetea


      omg thats so shocking that there were that many teachers dating students. that's literally never happened at my school. it's so ironic that she's a teacher now:icant:

    3. blankpaper


      I had a teacher in high school who made fun of a student for having acne, and made fun of one of my friends for being anorexic (she wasn’t—she had chronic illnesses nobody could diagnose at the time and lost tons of weight since she literally couldn’t eat). Not as interesting as dating a student haha but yeah some teachers are trash 

    4. thetea


      omg yes, teachers used to fat shame me during gym classes and i was like bit*h ummmmm. anyways the entire gym department hated me because i refused to participate, or do what they said to do because they really only did what a group of boys liked which was rugby, which hated so i never participated and the entire department hated me:oscar::icant: 

  18. is it just me or is this still not enough to live off of especially if you are a single parent or whatever?
  19. i honestly hopes when this "era" is over that gaga explains the shi**y promotion and why she went silent for so long
  20. in b4 she posts "i don't remember Chromatica" when the C3C era is about to start
  21. she honestly never talks at all anywhere unless it's a paid sponsorship. I don't get how any artist could be fine with that, but it's wrong to assume, we don't know what's happening in her life so I won't talk s**t
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