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nynj nights

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Everything posted by nynj nights

  1. What's a-fracking y'all? Hit me up for all your environmental/climate science needs
  2. I'm curious to hear thoughts on this:
  3. You've inspired me to get back into Gwen/No Doubt! It has "Underneath It All" vibes, and overall characteristic of the No Doubt sound. I say this is a solid song upon first listen. I'd give it an 8/10, but I feel like it has the power to grow on me. The chorus is already stuck in my head.
  4. No icons on my list my birthday truly is a flop
  5. Thank you @Anveeroyfor re-introducing me the album and some great songs not named Shallow or ARUTW. Really looking forward to the TFM megarate!
  6. Note to self for future megarates: save my ratings/rankings...
  7. @Twitter:This would make a good Chromatica single. I’d swap this for Fun Tonight. Interesting.... Would have worked better than or complemented LMR as bonus track too
  8. Exactly my thought. All of the other ballads just blend together for me.
  9. Unfortunately the submission window closed so I won't be able to count your entries, but don't let that prevent you from playing in the last two rounds
  10. I'm not a big oreo fan, let alone golden oreos, but I'll probably buy some just to give them a try although that is what I fear.
  11. haha but relatable every time my phone insists on autocorrect or autospell when I don't want it to
  12. I for sure thought it was going to be a Whitney Houston song but this hit snuck in:
  13. The Howard Stern performances are some of her best! I don't know if it is the better sound/studio quality, but she always sounds so good
  14. I really thought there would be a cancellation with an O name since there are only about 8 accounts that start with O, so I couldn't believe an S and T were duplicated...
  15. Challenge 8 Your next category is…. You have 24-hours to come up with one “word” for each of the 7 letters that relates to the category, TWITTER, for any of its meanings. BONUS POINTS 10 POINTS: For each word that is also Gaga-related (still needs to be a unique response to get the extra point) 50 POINTS: If you manage to come up with unique words for all 7 letters Respond with a FULL tweet by Gaga (must start with the key letter) and receive the same number of points as the number of characters in the tweet (if she started the tweet with @user you can ignore that part and skip straight to the actual tweet. Sentences are allowed) Except for bonus point #3, all other rules stay the same: Challenge 8 Submissions Close: February 5th at 11pm EST/February 6th at 4am GMT GOOD LUCK!!! If you haven't played in awhile, you can still participate. There are still 3 rounds left with plenty of opportunities to gain points and rise in the rankings
  16. UPDATED LEADERBOARD MEMBER Challenge 7 Points Challenge 7 Bonus Points Cumulative (7 rounds) danwasd 7 96 151 admin 7 90 142 Franch Toast 27 5 99 GitHub 17 5 85 BenG 6 74 Grasim 6 60 Delusional no entry 44 lavenderblondee 15 5 44 NotDoctor 10 42 blankpaper no entry 41 Joannesrats 5 36 Born in Chromatica no entry 34 Bakugo 6 28 Dirkje no entry 25 PETTY no entry 24 Gypsy Guy Holland no entry 15 Twitter no entry 13 little legend no entry 10
  17. The winner for this round was one of the lucky risk-takers, @danwasd, who added an additional 96 points, followed closely by @admin with an additional 90. @Franch Toastwon the round among the risk averse with 32 total points.
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