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nynj nights

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Everything posted by nynj nights

  1. I'm not in the priority group so I am still waiting to be eligible to get mine. I am happy though that my grandma just got her second shot today and my parents got theirs as well.
  2. Thanks! I ended up going with I Care A Lot! It was interesting for sure like others said. The plot felt a little too unrealistic at times but it was entertaining and kept me guessing and I didn't expect the ending. Definitely worth a watch! I think I will still want to see The Two Popes, but it wasn't the type of movie for a Friday night lol
  3. agreed. we saw this most recently with Charlize Theron's portrayal of Megyn Kelly in Bombshell who may not be a murderer, but is not exactly the most likeable person either. Charlize was constantly asked if she talked to Megyn during promotional interviews and then Megyn went on to have her own interview on what she thought the film did and did not "get right" in her eyes. I'm sure we'll get the same with Patrizia based on how things are going
  4. This thread is so useful! I need a movie for tonight and was wondering if this one is worth watching? I'm trying to decide among Black Bear, Tenet, I Care a Lot and possibly this one
  5. so does the outfit for this round need to be funeral-acceptable? Or is the criteria only black/dark color?
  6. I ran with the most colorful thing Meghan has worn. There wasn't much. I'm sure this would have been guaranteed last place
  7. but exactly the creative way I would describe the more toned down nature of the song. I appreciate her wanting to return to her roots but from a different point in her life. I don’t follow Gwen closely but is she planning to come out with an album? It would be great if she teamed back up with the other ND members but I feel like it could be Gaga-RedOne situation
  8. Just had a listen. When I saw 2:31 as the length time, I was like not another sub-3min song (I don’t like the direction the music industry is heading into with shorter songs) I agree, glad it isn’t country. I feel like the sound is very reminiscent of her early solo days. I got a “Hollaback Girl” vibe and I like some of the lyrics but I think the “clap” repetition is a bit over done and a little cheesy. Although I need to listen to the song more before I come to a consensus.
  9. nynj nights

    Song Alphabet

    You Found Me - The Fray
  10. nynj nights

    Song Alphabet

    Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
  11. A Perfect Illusion methinks Joanne era confirmed and incoming
  12. I feel y’all’s pain. I went with something new and multicolored. I figured I try something different despite the greater risk since I can no longer wow the judges with the royal monochromatic look. Looks like the judges are looking for something different from us imo
  13. I'm struggling with this one As I learn more about royal fashion, I have come to the realization that Queen @Elizabeth II would have lowkey done well in this game as an honorary celebrity
  14. @Franch Toast Gwen deserved higher But top 3 served , congrats all and especially @donatellab your switch from Katy is paying off
  15. I was feeling ambitious and thought I had a slight chance to JUST finish ahead of you. At least I was close the way Meghan would be guaranteed 10 points every round if you were a judge though
  16. Interesting. Now I'm nervous It's probably for the better that I'll be working at 3pm...I'll look out for notifications later
  17. Same to you @donatellab! Thank you as well to all of the fellow ladies who provided encouragement and advice. You inspire me everyday And thank you to all of the men too for the recognition and support!
  18. nynj nights

    Song Alphabet

    Mother’s Daughter - Miley Cyrus
  19. nynj nights

    Song Alphabet

    Don’t Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas
  20. @GitHubthe people have spoken, time to debut a new ranking system
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