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nynj nights

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Everything posted by nynj nights

  1. Yes!!! The 2009 one still reigns supreme
  2. Hmm that's tough. I feel like I'm halfway between three answers since I re-discovered the album last year, and think that it neither aged poorly nor excellently if you go on a track per track basis. Applause still sounds fresh as well as Sexxx Dreams, and ARTPOP. I also have a new respect for Dope, and while the title of Gypsy may not have aged well, I love the song. Personally I don't care much for Aura and Venus (sorry) and Swine, and the others are decent. I won't seek them out but they aren't skips.
  3. I agree. When I first heard this song it felt unfinished, and perhaps it was since technically Gaga changed certain parts of the verses throughout the shows at which she performed this song, but the more you listen, the more you realize the complexity and deeper meanings. Princess Die is really a lyric masterpiece imo And Interesting comparison to Billie's work, but I would also agree that if we were to get ACT2, I don't think Princess Die in its current form would be included because of the specific references to Princess Diana (unless they were re-worked, which is doubtful). And unlike most other ACT2 songs, this one did have its time, so not sure if Gaga would want to re-release it. I would still "die" for a studio version though
  4. Same here and I've come across that version as well. Here is another one that I like which includes the news clip about Princess Di's death:
  5. I've been thinking about Gaga's unreleased song Princess Die lately with all of the recent news around the Royal Family and ARTPOP ACT II I think it is arguably both her darkest and saddest song, and knowing what we know now, it seems like it was a cry for help at the time. Having not followed Gaga's career closely during the BTW-ARTPOP eras, I'm curious to hear what others' thought of this song when you first heard she was performing it during the BTWB, and if your perception of the song has changed since? Here's the first performance I believe where she mentions that the song may or may not be on the next album:
  6. I also liked this live version of Sweet Escape, thanks for sharing! The look though I get why she went with it like you said and maybe if it was just a one-time thing it would be okay, but it hits differently coming off of her L.A.M.B. era obsession with Asian culture. I don't think the Celebrity Colors judges would have approved either
  7. I wasn't sure whether to lol or like your comment @MANiCURE1295 but on the latter thanks for sharing. I feel like both sides will be campaigning hard for the midterm elections as there is a lot at stake. I'm just as nervous as I was for the 2020 elections. The dems made a run for seats in 2018, but didn't make as large of a splash as I had hoped
  8. even more of a reason to despise them Cowboys....but jokes aside, not surprised, I remember when Trump picked him to be on the Celebrity Apprentice too
  9. Thanks @gagaschickens that was probably my favorite megarate of yours so far Great comments by all of the participants!!! Always the best part
  10. Yeah you and @Franch Toast are right but I’ve definitely made a decision on where to eat based on those ratings. Anything other than an A
  11. Have you or @Franch Toast or anyone actually gone there?
  12. Always look for the health rating outside of the window
  13. The way there are opposing opinions based on where you live or are from
  14. guilty here as well and it doesn’t help that Starbucks seems to debut PSL earlier and earlier each year
  15. Ahh so are you the type of person who embraces the concept of “Hygge” during this time?
  16. Yes turning clocks back and the lack of sunlight is depressing
  17. November is only good because of the start of the holiday season with thanksgiving in the US otherwise I agree with your comment
  18. If you do, you should definitely repeat this since I realized how many other ones I missed "Free my mind" in Alice/ARTPOP, and then when you look within albums there are plenty as well, especially from The Fame ("brown eyes" in Again, Again)....
  19. MANiCURE -> Heal Me? I thought this was too literal of a stretch, but maybe not. Thoughts?
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