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nynj nights

Popster to Popster
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Everything posted by nynj nights

  1. Bumping this thread up.... A: Let's go with the faux German one in Scheiße Q: Better "Rainbow" song - Kesha's or Kacey's
  2. The talent I loved everything about "The Way (I Like to Move)" from the choreo, speak-sing, catchiness, and the little chuckle thrown in. The blopper at the end serving ROM weather girls tea too was everything. So glad to have come across your music
  3. Happy birthday!! Hope you had a nice day and wishing you continued success with your music career over the next year :kiss:

    1. MiKEY


      Thank u Ily :love:

  4. Thanks! I'm catching up on homework so missed it, any interesting highlights? When I clicked the link I just saw that Ted Cruz is trending....again
  5. My score also gave me Mayor Biden: You are a good boy, but you need some training I know the Gaga one was deceiving. Because of the monster truck video before the election I had a feeling it was meant to trick the casual fan so I said Biden. I didn't even think of Y&I era though. I thought maybe it was a quote in 5F2
  6. This was so click-baity but fun Thought this crowd might enjoy this "who said it" as some lighter fare https://www.delawareonline.com/in-depth/news/politics/joe-biden/2021/04/27/who-said-it-joe-biden-lady-gaga-can-you-tell-difference/7286295002/
  7. Out of nowhere comes John Wayne who smashes the monster with a beer can, setting Gaga free and they escape into the moonlight on his horse with Olivia following pursuit in her car
  8. @PETTY the demand! Bringing all of the popsters to the yard with the new look I see
  9. The way 2011Ga would have been all over this if this had happened 10 years ago
  10. Submitted! I also was uncertain about whether we were only allowed one 10 per album. I think I stuck to it for the most part except for TFM. @Anveeroy if I'm only allowed one 10 then give it to the non-single, and the others a 9
  11. I don't think you ever finished your current one
  12. I'll share with you in beginner's luck
  13. Loved it! And I also would like to give a shout-out for the amazing cover art!
  14. I was obsessed with this song when the video came out and it became an official single. To me G.U.Y. felt like a second coming of Bad Romance. I love the message. It definitely deserved better commercial success and reception
  15. I try to be an optimist, but even I can't see this happening given the current political landscape and lack of impetus from the oil and gas industry I don't know what will finally convince most Republicans to get on board. Unfortunately, I think it will be more damaging events - sea level rise, coastal flooding, wildfires... and outcry from the public/voters and institutions to finally demand change. The cost might seem high today but not compared to the future costs of needing to adapt down the road. It wasn't until this election that climate became a debate topic. So change and greater awareness is happening, but too slowly...
  16. Today Biden convened and addressed other countries at a virtual Earth Day Summit on climate change He formally pledged that the US would cut its emissions at least in half from 2005 levels by 2030 and intends to double by 2024 the amount of money it offers to help developing countries My take: a great step forward in restoring international confidence in the US to join the fight against climate change. The goal is very ambitious though. Its doable from a technological point of view but not without significant federal incentives and policies, many of which will need approval by Congress or the courts. Studies show that to get there, these are some of the major changes that need to occur: By 2030, half of the country’s electricity would come from renewable sources such as wind, solar or hydropower, up from one-fifth today. New natural gas plants would be built largely with technology that can capture carbon dioxide instead of releasing it into the atmosphere — technology that is still in its infancy. Virtually all of the 200 remaining coal plants in the U.S. would shut down unless they, too, can capture their emissions and bury them underground. By 2030, two-thirds of new cars and S.U.V.s sold would be battery-powered, up from roughly 2 percent today. All new buildings would be heated by electricity rather than natural gas. The nation’s cement, steel and chemical industries would adopt stringent new energy-efficiency targets. Oil and gas producers would slash emissions of methane, a potent heat-trapping gas, by 60 percent. The nation’s forests would expand, and farming practices would be reworked, so that they pull 20 percent more carbon dioxide out of the air than they do today.
  17. I re-listened to this album during quarantine and was surprised at how much more I liked it versus 8 years ago, mainly because I can relate to the lyrics more and despite the album representing a traumatic era in Gaga’s career, it does come off as a high-energy, feel good album which was much needed at the time. I think Chromatica is Gaga’s better attempt at the “dance through pain” theme with its clearer lyrics and toned down production (although in some songs I think the production is a little too toned down/safe) I’d say ARTPOP is tied with Joanne as my fourth fave album, depending on my mood, behind BTW-TFM-Chromatica
  18. Love to see it! Although It’s Earth Day for me everyday working to promote both sustainable practices and behaviors that are not only good for the planet and living things but all people as well. The communities that are/will be most impacted by climate change and pollution are also predominantly lower-income ones of color so we can’t have true sustainability without also tackling environmental justice and equity as well
  19. Watch out he'll be coming for your title then
  20. She looks like a character straight out of Super Mario Bros
  21. Not usually the first one to these but don't think it has been posted yet
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