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nynj nights

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Everything posted by nynj nights

  1. True. The more you relate or know a genre/topic, the more difficult it is to decide For me it's always been a constant battle between choosing MY personal favorites and ones that appeal and make sense to the voters. Probably why I've mostly been middle of the pack for the majority of this game
  2. Submitted as well Let's face it though. This round will just be among us to survive @Franz Ferdinand gonna blow us out of the water (again)
  3. So that singer actually came up in my research for the international round, so it is a start
  4. Happy Birthday Rainbow GIF by Justin

    omg you are born on the 1st of the month too - iconic!

  5. Thank you and congrats as well Like you I needed to go the empowerment route and give it to those guys out there who are too full of themselves and don't realize how good they have it until it is too late But tbh though I thought no one would get my idea of break-up and had my farewell speech ready . That was such a close round outside of the brilliant @Franz Ferdinand - congrats neighbor And congrats to @Joannesrats for surviving too! I know I'm going to need it especially after how bad I flopped during the international round
  6. Not this gif But omg noooo...I did not see this coming, so very sad to see you go @Twitter
  7. Celebrity Colours taking over the forum
  8. Watch out ladies gents and all in between, Serena's rise to the top is incoming
  9. 5 per day, slow but steady but no pressure, only if you would like
  10. 10 DAYS LEFT TO SUBMIT!! Reminder to those who expressed interest on this thread:
  11. Oh no so are you out? Usually @little legend posts the scores but I guess this was a special round? Dang that was faster than @Lorde Von Kok sus'ing you out in the Hellfire Gala game
  12. I just saw one judged voted Serena a 0.42???
  13. This game is getting harder and harder to catch-up on Who has the full Cliff Notes?
  14. Well it won't be the first time the winner from the previous round fell to the bottom Just this time there's no immunity to save me
  15. I need @PETTY to post the survey ASAP to stop myself from second guessing and re-discovering more songs Too many emotions right now
  16. Well I'm not too far removed from one and had a few on regular repeat so this shouldn't be too difficult
  17. So sorry @Franch Toast The amount of heartbreak your family has endured this past year is so unfair. Thinking of you and sending my virtual condolences as well. We are all here if you need it
  18. Well hello there Mr. @SLAG Happy and humbled to be on the show for the first time. After serving middle of the pack the entire game, it's been a shock catching the attention of each judge in the last three rounds. Guess I finally made it but I'll enjoy it now because you never know how long it will last Biggest threat is of course @Twitter. I've been saying it since day 1 and we have history so I know how good of a competitor he is and his diversity in music knowledge is impressive A close second is @lavenderblondee who also had been relatively under the radar but is KILLING it now I feel bad for everyone knocking on @Joannesrats How many times have you used those very exact words to describe his performance I love underdogs too and I think he is just as much in this game as everyone else too. The rat has got some feisty stamina for sure. And don't forget he's already in the winner's hallway so he definitely has what it takes
  19. Oh no @Bakugo The fact we had 2/3 I loved a lot of your trios throughout the game and always felt like we had very similar tastes that weren't always fully recognized at times. You will be missed Congrats @Twitter @lavenderblondee @Joannesrats @Franz Ferdinand The journey continues....
  20. Only the true “reimagined” versions IMO although I did like Kylie’s disco version of MTN. Voted Judas since the virtual performance really brought it to life for me during the club quarantine stream
  21. I guess we are friends again?? To @Joannesrats good luck fellow HG champ I keep on forgetting that most have played this game. As someone who sometimes buys into the second guessing, I don't know if it is an advantage or not to have played before
  22. I totally forgot @Twitter has immunity. What a nice feeling that might be for this round. No one wants to go out on a GAGA round of all challenges Congrats on official top 5 too
  23. I loved CountessGa and all the looks from that era
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