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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. @danwasd I am addicted to this song as well I knew the remix they sent to radio, but I had never heard the original version until last week. I usually don't like catalan pop but this is a bop
  2. These are the songs I've been obsessed with lately
  3. Looks like the standard european CD of The Remix album (with the uncensored cover). Even thought I got it back then and never worried about it anymore and I am not sure about its availavility as of now, I wouldn't say it's rare. But it's not that expensive so why not
  4. Chile I know this is off topic but the fact someone tried to access my account (and failed) here three times this morning time to change my password
  5. bold of you to assume their dinners weren't already awkward before
  6. iirc for the BB200, if a song is in two albums, the streams of the track go towards the album that's doing better and we know it most likely won't de Miley's
  7. and now miley is about to have the streams for Prisoner ROBBED for the BB200
  8. I prefer this remix, and I honestly wish it was the original version. The production of the original song is pretty similar to the one for Chained To The Rhythm, and even tho I still like the song a lot, something like this sounds a lot more fresher.
  9. OMG YASSS the way they drop an episode every two years,,, a nightmare
  10. When you think she hoarded the songs to be able to repackage the album bling not the music indeed (even tho I am excited to finally have If It Ain't Me legally released since it's better than 90% of the oriignal album imo)
  11. the way greed made her kind of ruin her already impressive stats because the ammount of streams FN had was indeed impressive for an album all of which 11 songs are solo but they decided to make a compilation album Again so...
  12. because the same effort could have gone into making a visual for an entirely different song
  13. I guess this is the typical example of "but if Gaga did it the same you would not complain" but I find it so awkward when a song has two music videos
  14. The fact she talked about a B side for almost a year for it to be it to only be 3 new songs... The fact some of the songs were done before the release of the album and could have been put out then Truly bling and not the music I agree with what Delusional pointed before, these kind of things really have changed my perspective of her throughout the era and not for the better precisely
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