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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. Cant wait to bully all the traitor fags who were rooting for the other girlies once Gaga wins
  2. The way two weeks ago no one cared for Kali and now yall are rooting for her My impact
  3. I never like uncover i thought it was a flavourless ballad and tbose are always annoying. I havent listened in years tho
  4. I love Lush Lfife (was listening to it ATM actually), I think it still sounds fresh and it's one of those songs that will never age for me. On the other hand, I never liked Never Forget You and I think Not My fault is the type of song that gets annoying really really fast.
  5. one of her best songs tbh. Deserved the full single status more than... well more than any of her 2016-2017 singles
  6. to years in which the BPVA winner didn't win AOTY... inch resting
  7. yes it's for sure, the list is out there. BPVA will be a part of the show, which is not common at all.
  8. It's definitely an OK pop album, but I wish it had some more personality. The problem is that RML, Wow and LML already feel old for me and I find the two R&B songs (Talk about love and What Happens here) extremely boring, so between one thing and the other I end up skipping half of the album. Look What You've done is amazing and both FFF and Right Here have been on loop in my playlist all week.
  9. The cringiest part of the rollout imo was how they rereleased Wow, with a tragic video, an unnecessary remix for the songto go nowhere i love the song and I wish they gave her the attention Wow deserved back then but they really thought she would have her truth hurts moment
  10. And most importantly, the album should have come out in 2019
  11. Ruin My life has big spotify figurew but probably was not the hit they expected to be. And her rollout for her second era has been a disaster, so lets not pretend the only thing missing was playlisting or radio.
  12. But her previous releases got indeed a lot of support, and as much as we like her, if there are no returns the investment stops at some point.
  13. Taylor is not going to perform an old song whose new version is still not out because she's not going to want to give a boost to a song the masters of which she doesn't own.
  14. I think she's gonna perform this https://www.musictimes.com/articles/13030/20141022/taylor-swift-new-song-silence-track-3-canadian-itunes.htm
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