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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. This is not true, she's one of the most hit or miss pop girls (My House, Black Parade, etc come to mind)
  2. Its not impossible that she could finalise the album after releasing a first single
  3. Maybe itll be a remix thay changes the song completely and we will regret having doubted godga
  4. Even if the remix she was featured was the smash of the century I would be equally disappointed tbh
  5. It would be so disappointing if Gaga jumped on a quick remix after all this years of practically refusing to be featured in anyones album thats not beyond retirement age, but as boobatella said I guess at this point we have to take whatever wr get
  6. And then you delete what doesnt turn out to be true and claim the one you got right as a receipt
  7. As much as we forget about it theres a match beyond the halftime show
  8. If it was going to come out in mid March she would have probably announced it by now. I see june more likely than march at this point, specially seeing how they took their time with the second single.
  9. Also, the biggest "competition" (i dont like seeing it this way but you get what I mean) both in the possibility of winning a pop solo/pop vocal album over Gaga and blocking her in the BB charts is Taylor and she releases every other week so it makes no sense for her to postpone a release to avoid competition
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