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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. Streets saying no song charted even with the TTH cover I like her and I checked them out on friday but tbh I have never felt the need to go back to any of the songs, specially with how packed with new releases last friday was
  2. Time to focus on our next 50M songs less thank 300k to go less than 700k to go
  3. it'll never surpass TTT (even though we all know that's exclusively due to WFL carrying its streams and not necessarily because it's a more successful album overall) or 21 and I don't think any of the other female albums can ever surpass it so a 3rd position is nice
  4. Wasnt this announced a few weeks ago? I am pretrt sure they said they would release two joint albums before they released the first one. Good that it will help clean the hot100 like someone else mentioned
  5. At least he could not give you a lecture on how you're mysogynistic for not liking her
  6. Miss FadGa needs to release quick so people here can focus on that instead of being annoying to each other
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