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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. Not sure about that because I bet the 70 weeks TFM as a standalone charted, TF was charting to
  2. She wont try to outshine her bestie and fellow bisexual queen and ASiB costar Halsey I fear
  3. don't forGaGet me there's tunnel under the Joanne tratoria
  4. lowkey looking forward to KP's comeback hopefully she returns with a Bon Apetit sized Bop or a Daisies type of collapse
  5. Why do I feel like Spotify did not push Pride playlist at all unlike other years where they were all over the main pages at the beginning of pride month???
  6. @little legend we found your twitter account
  7. This being said the year is finally saved hopefully Halsus new era is more like Manic than IICHLIWP
  8. If anything halsey releasing im the middle of the week is a good sign
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