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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. when this inevitably lands above Rihanna's song
  2. this is Spain's TTH despechá clearly doesn't need any more push but the contrast in consumption between the song added (Rihanna) and the one taken out is
  3. How can the halloween effect wear off before the actual day
  4. Thats not what I meant but when you put it that way
  5. As much as I love Rihanna i cannot say I am surprised. What surprised me was the massive debut, not the second day positions.
  6. So they are sending MDB to radio next week and releasing a new song the following one? This is exhausting
  7. I dont know if it was meant seriously or as a joke but yeah thank godga we got ASIB to avoid making her chronologically organised discography streams look like a straight downwards line
  8. Releasing the instrumentals as b sides on streaming is such an easy way to get streams with zero investment i dont know why dont they do it more often.
  9. So I guess top3 is pretty much confirmed but #1 is out of reach
  10. Soo pumped for the judas update later today 480k here we go
  11. She was away for so long you cant blame people for not remembering how to spell her name methinks
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