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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. The album is mostly good but particularly this song is such a smash waiting to happen
  2. I still think its likely that sonething will happen for its anniversary but I also think it most definitely has nothing to do with DJWS saying it
  3. I I still cant believe its doing more than freaking Bad Romance some days I wonder why is it not higher in her profile's top10 on Spotify
  4. I knew it but I wanted him to tell me why his argument made no sense Anyway going #1-out of the top10 is not smashing no matter how much you cry, scream, shake and throw up because if it is, Madame X smashed in the BB200 And I dont even know what this had to do with Chromatica and its lack of platinum cert but I guess some people need to change the goalpost every minute
  6. But it went #1 so its automatically a smasha there
  7. the way with a different timing Drake could've done 10/10
  8. A few (male) artists had song for the same movie Vegas is for but they all pretty much tanked
  9. At least in their case its in the end beyond the 30s needed for a stream to count
  10. The biggest kii is that one of her grandparents was cuban and if she was from the grease country she would have made that her whole personality. Edit: not that I wish she would ofc
  11. I know this must be shocking for a taylor stans but in albums you can have songs about different topics
  12. They are so detached to reality that its not even worth it
  13. A better usage of time than writing essays for sure
  14. The bar has to be on the freaking floor for HMH to make the list Despechá definitely will outstream ADT by a big margin but the gap is still too big to be closed before the year ends
  15. I have melon raisins at the bottom (as it should) so I guess they have a fixed separation for the multiple songs of the same artists but they put one or the other above depending on the listrning habits
  16. The kii that they included Million Reasons on a 'deep cuts' playlist tho
  17. Could you girlies tell me if the positions on this playlists are personalised? I have GUY #1, Harleys in Hawaii #2, ellie #4 michael jackson #5 and Kylie #5 Guy at #1 seems to good to be true so that made me suspicious
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