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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. They have 1M monthly listeners and the song is at 7M total streams so i dont think so
  2. must be because brenda lee worked with the evil scooter braun
  3. but where was she when we needed her to convince her daddy to work with Gaga back then
  4. Yet not a single comment asking for the song that we can reply to
  5. new BB feature just dropped and he's rapping over a house beat -> teasing the GodGa collab
  6. no Despechá in ur top5 songs? time to change username mefears
  7. The tiktok ad is not official but paid for by a random user
  8. Thought as in what I predict or what I want? I dont see it happening but i would like to see it
  9. Spotify is starting to roll out it's famous yearly recaps to its users, so feel free to share yours!
  10. considering the investment in most regions is 0, yes
  11. I feel like massive jumps have spoiled us but yes if it can remain stable at 1M for a couple months that'd be incredible
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