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Everything posted by Andreu

  1. As long as we outview lifetimes totsl views with our day one Im fine with whatever
  2. Made this for streaming convenience in case someone wants to use it as well
  3. When you thought it could not get any more embarassing for her
  4. #4 in NMF France #2 in Italy #1 + cover NMF Germany https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWUW2bvSkjcJ6?si=1A3IloLeSMyq17DS__btDw&pi=5r9HZ0PsR5ibI
  5. Die With a Smile #3 in the spanish version of NMF https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX6PYajiT4pAf?si=iTheDAwQSSyT2NgHI-fV2A
  6. The way even taking away the fact its a duet with Gaga this is easily the best Bruno song since 2012
  7. EDIT wait I read your message wrong sorry A nightmare indeed but as someone pointed he might have a big album bomb but I dont see any individual song overshadowing Gaga
  8. Sounds like a smash I fear time to change the prediction to 10M
  9. LG7 next year but still getting something this year always was the best scenario soooooo
  10. maybe getting it on the second week would even be better tbh
  11. -corvus albus 12M -Gypsy Life: 9.3M - Emi: 9.21M - Cherry Pie: 8M - Andreu 7,5M - MANiCURE1295: 7M - mattelbutch 6.85M - cherryboom: 6,8M - Lazz Monster: 6.5M -FameRomance: 6.2M -OliverDespechao: 3.6M -little legend : 10,5m Matteo 7.3M Oliver 3.6M
  12. I think I saw lisa and rosalia will get the TTH cover but idk if it was real anyways
  13. Halsey released in the middle of the afternoon for a reason?
  14. I kinda hate how the pitchfork gays who think they are too good for pop music (but end up listening music that doesn't sound that different) fetishize her so much when she's had her fair amount of flavourless pop songs released, but of course this is not her fault EDIT in case it wasn't clear I like her too but i am kind of tired of seeing her tokenised in that way when the music isn't really that revolutionary
  15. I have been seeing a lot of tweets making the same joke and I hate it Didnt know Charli invented having black hair
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