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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. It is not NATO’s place to send in troops when Ukraine isn’t a NATO member. As soon as one get attacked by Russia then they should troops. We need to still support Ukraine in every other capacity.
  2. Tbf it was very hard to predict Russia’s next move. The possibility of invasion was of course something that could happen but it seemed so drastic at the time.
  3. I think you’ll be fine. The alternative is having Russia essentially controlling Europe’s gas supply
  4. Nord Stream 2 is an oil pipeline that’s been in construction and awaiting approval for years. It’s meant to transport Russian oil to Germany and therefore creating an even bigger reliance on Russia for their energy needs. Many warned against approving the pipeline for the exact reason that Russia could use it as leverage and cut gas supplies if anyone opposed them.
  5. Love seeing predominately catholic countries becoming more lenient towards abortion. Overdo but I’m glad Scholz made the decision. It’s almost like many people warned this could happen and that another oil pipeline with Russia was a bad idea…
  6. This is great news. They should’ve done it a lot earlier but good timing.
  7. Russia has reportedly sent in troops to rebel-held areas in Eastern Ukraine, effectively invading the country.
  8. Quite controversial but I think necessary at this point.
  9. Funny thing is she’s BEEN advocating for this but I’m glad that Ossoff has revived it and I actually think it has a chance at passing.
  10. Here comes the All Things Canadian Politics segment in the thread
  11. Not this turning into the All Things UK Politics thread
  12. Another reason to love Sam Fender even more
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