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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. I don’t think Putin is dumb enough to attack any NATO members, at least right now. I mean there always remains that possibility but it seems his focus is on Ukraine and I think once he takes over Ukraine, which I believe eventually he will, he might want to go after the Baltic states next. Still though, all of NATO will be against him and it’s tough to see him succeed in the long run.
  2. It’s a fair argument on their part. They don’t want to be involved in a possible war with Russia.
  3. I’m surprised he didn’t plan for this. I would assume harsh sanctions from the west was inevitable.
  4. Pls the UK especially has been very harsh against Russia. They all came around sooner than Germany though, who as Europe’s superpower should have lead the charge in their support for Ukraine. It’s quite embarrassing on their part. But good for them for finally doing something productive.
  5. The point is Germany hasn’t been completely supportive of Ukraine when everyone else has. They were lagging in their support up until now, when they’ve seen the actual impact of Russia’s aggression. That’s great but that also slows decision making and in crucial times like this that’s not the best thing to do.
  6. So I’ve read. But do you see how easily they were able to now send in useful military aid? I think you should check your sources because German hesitation was willful. Quotes from the article above prove my point: - ”Before Saturday’s turnaround, senior Ukrainian officials had been complaining bitterly for weeks about Germany’s refusal to allow arms shipments to bolster Ukraine’s defenses.” - “At the time, Ukrainian and some officials from EU countries expressed outrage. And in response, Germany said it was sending 5,000 helmets and a field hospital to Ukraine, a meager contribution that has been the subject of some derision considering that Germany is the biggest and wealthiest EU country.” - “In addition to its stance on weapons shipments, Germany has also taken flack from some allies for its opposition to barring Russia from the SWIFT international payment system, which European countries notably use to buy energy from Russia.”
  7. It’s still accurate information nonetheless. Germany was notably the most hesitant western power in placing harsher measures against Russia and Putin. They only recently allowed for the transfer of weapons to Ukraine. And let’s not forget their meaningless gesture of sending 5,000 helmets to Ukraine when every other western ally was sending useful military aid to Ukraine. Their response overall has been very lukewarm.
  8. Yes, I’ve read about it. There are a lot of flaws with it but generally I get why it could be applied here in this situation. Although I think it’s more likely that we’ll engage in a conflict without the use of nuclear weapons.
  9. This is exactly the point I brought up in one of my classes about the possibility of nuclear war. Putin isn’t dumb and would not use nukes bc it’s not logical at all. It would destroy Russia as well and nobody would win.
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