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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. Meh this song is okay. Ballads aren’t really for me though
  2. One of the greats. Hope she enjoys retirement.
  3. Just saw. Let’s see if Keir Starmer will capitalize on this though. Everyone thought Boris Johnson was a bad pick for the Tories and he ended up being great for them, electorally.
  4. Who do you prefer out of the people left in the contest
  5. Good news. Scared for who might be next though.
  6. Exactly my thoughts. Like WTF are these policies? The absolute bare minimum and very unlikely to prevent another mass shooting. Ridiculous.
  7. That is also true. You could argue Erdogan would have a similar approach as Putin.
  8. They’ve been threatening this for awhile. I don’t think Erdogan would go through with his threats unless a major escalation occurred. The ramifications are too much for Turkey if they did invade Greece. Relations with the rest of the western world and EU would deteriorate and any hopes of them joining the EU would be dashed—they would lose more than they would gain in starting a war over some islands.
  9. Macbook Air starting at $1200?? Has that always been the typical price bc I remember the latest one was priced at like $900 or $1000
  10. He probably won’t get ousted unfortunately
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