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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. Interesting new interview by Jonathan Swan with the Prime Minister of Pakistan Armenia elections were also earlier today in the aftermath of a failed war against Azerbaijan
  2. French regional elections were today! Overall results look grim for both Macron and Le Pen’s parties
  3. Saw that! Harsh but well deserved punishment. I did see some people on Twitter saying that the word they were chanting wasn’t homophobic and just another curse word but I’m not sure. I don’t think FIFA would go to those great lengths without knowing what the word means
  4. Also, for anyone interested in viewing polling numbers for parties across Europe, this is a great source: https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/ I spend more time on there than I’d like to admit
  5. After El Salvador became the first nation to allow Bitcoin to be used as legal tender, the World Bank refused to help them implement that due to environmental and security concerns. Le Pen’s party caught in a controversy. New poll in Italy showing VERY close margins among 3 parties.
  6. It seems Annalena Baerbock and Die Grünen seem to be faltering. Very sad to see but I can’t blame people for switching support.
  7. BREAKING: Castillo takes the lead in the latest quick count. Final result still to come.
  8. A number of elections occurring today! Here’s a brief rundown: Mexican legislative and regional elections Peru presidential election French by-elections Saxony-Anhalt regional election in Germany
  9. Thank you for correcting me! I knew it was somewhere in that range. It’s unfortunate that not everyone was okay with that number, which isn’t even that high. It’s not like corporations have much of a choice anyways.
  10. 15% is barely anything… the original proposal was 25%
  11. Twitter suspended in Nigeria Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s government has now spent $100 million in court against indigenous tribes
  12. No, it’s not a solution but it will help towards achieving carbon neutrality so it’s one of many policies that would contribute to that. It’s not something that I think would be too effective but it’d certainly help to some degree. Is it worth losing some voters over it? No I don’t think so. I get that, and that’s usually why Greens around the world struggle to do well in elections because they mostly appeal to a niche demographic. I do have to credit the German Greens for broadening their appeal though. Maybe the gas increase isn’t one of their best ideas but it’s not a terrible one that would cost them the election.
  13. Yes, which is why she plans on giving money to people who live in the rural parts of the country, or those who can’t afford it, to help pay for the increase in gas prices. It’s an unfortunate but necessary evil in my opinion. Yes, this would slightly hurt people economically but it would likely reduce CO2 emissions. I get why this proposition may seem controversial but I like it and I don’t think many Germans will change their opinion of her or her party for it. Most people that were already planning on voting for Die Grünen will probably still vote for them. Polls have them solidly in second or first place and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. I think the finer details would have to be worked out later down the line as it seems this a recent policy proposal but I have faith that they will work something out.
  14. But wouldn’t that just encourage people to take public transit instead? Also, apparently she also said that affected families would receive €75 from the government to help them pay for it. She knows it’s going to affect the poor and people who don’t have easy access to public transit but she’s willing to help those affected people and make sure people who contribute more to CO2 emissions, pay more. “Betroffene Familien sollten pro Jahr und Kopf ein "Energiegeld" von 75 Euro bekommen, forderte Baerbock am Freitag auf einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Magdeburg. Für Familien mit niedrigem Einkommen auf dem Land könne das eine Mehrbelastung von bis zu 100 Euro bedeuten, so Baerbock. Das könne das "Energiegeld" mehr als ausgleichen. Profitieren würden dabei vor allem Familien mit kleinen Wohnungen und wenigen Autos. "Wenn ich in einem sehr, sehr großen Haus wohne und sehr, sehr viele Autos fahre, muss ich am Ende mehr bezahlen." Source: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/landtag-magdeburg-baerbock-einkommensschwache-bei-co2-preis-entlasten-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-210528-99-781775!amp?__twitter_impression=true
  15. Anything is better than Netanyahu at this point
  16. Thanks for the translation! I do understand some Spanish but enough to read the entire article and understand everything in it lol I also love Spanish politics and find them to be some of the most interesting in Europe
  17. Not a communist myself but it’s good to see fellow left-leaning parties and candidates winning a major election.
  18. Yeah seeing almost all major media outlets siding with Israel f-ing sucks
  19. Ursula von der Leyen condemns Hamas but not Israel... Update on the causalities and wounded
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