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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. Nicola Sturgeon meeting AOC is a crossover I never thought I needed to see. So cool!
  2. One thing I’ve noticed from the French media is they’re constantly covering Anne Hidalgo and some are straight up praising her like this article from Le Monde. It seems she’s the media darling—which I’m not complaining about since she’s my favorite candidate
  3. My French professor praising Macron and saying he has good policies
  4. Macron’s Transport minister on potential far-right candidate Eric Zemmour: "has a fairly Wokist policy", "an absolute fantasy about first names", but "poses intellectual debates which are quite interesting"
  5. Here are some articles relating to the French election: The RN about Zemmour: "To fight between us makes no sense" Several personalities from the National Rally (RN) called on Monday Eric Zemmour, putative candidate in the 2022 presidential election, to “not divide the national camp” in the face of “gravedigger” Emmanuel Macron. “We must not divide the forces of the national camp. (…) To fight between us makes no sense, ”insisted Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy from the North on franceinfo. "We only have an opponent Emmanuel Macron", "gravedigger of the national interest", argued the spokesperson for the RN, estimating Eric Zemmour "close" ideologically to the RN. The RN mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot, sees in Eric Zemmour “the novelty in the political system”, which he also judges to be “in the same political family” as the RN. "But today it is dividing the national family," he lamented on CNews. "There is common ground, a desire - in any case, as far as we are concerned - to unite," assured Mr. Aliot, while Marine Le Pen is now closely followed by Eric Zemmour in the polls, and even exceeded in one of them, behind Emmanuel Macron: "It is up to him to take the step, not to us", he added, "convinced" that the curves of voting intentions "are will reverse ”in the coming weeks. https://www.leparisien.fr/politique/le-rn-a-propos-de-zemmour-se-battre-entre-nous-na-aucun-sens-11-10-2021-QR27BTMRGVAR3LGUTDN6VRODYI.php#xtor=AD-1481423553 Macron ready to fight for the 2022 presidential election: "We can feel the sprinter on the starting line" He is not yet a candidate, but the head of state has ants in his legs. His relatives and his ministers describe a president who dreams of doing battle and smelling the powder of the countryside. https://www.leparisien.fr/elections/presidentielle/macron-pret-au-combat-pour-la-presidentielle-2022-on-sent-le-sprinter-sur-la-ligne-de-depart-10-10-2021-2S3ONATGUZEJDEBMCQ727445ZY.php#xtor=AD-1481423553 Presidential election 2022: Xavier Bertrand announces that he will participate in the LR congress The president of the Hauts-de-France region announced Monday on TF1 that he agreed to submit to the vote of the members of the Les Républicains party during the congress on December 4. He finally decided. Xavier Bertrand will participate in the closed primary of the right and will submit to the vote of the members of the Congress of Republicans (LR) scheduled for December 4. The president of the Hauts-de-France region, former member of LR, announced his decision on Monday, October 11, on TF1. “Yes, I will attend this congress because LR has ruled out the primary. I had said my opposition to the primary, the members clearly ruled out this primary and I thank them for it, ” he justified himself. “Divided, we are sure to lose. Together, we can win and I want to win. " https://www.lemonde.fr/election-presidentielle-2022/article/2021/10/11/election-presidentielle-2022-xavier-bertrand-annonce-qu-il-participera-au-congres-lr-du-4-decembre_6097954_6059010.html?utm_campaign=Lehuit&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter In Paris, Anne Hidalgo and her environmental allies on the verge of a nervous breakdown The subject should have brought them together. But the debate organized at the Council of Paris, Wednesday, October 13, on the acceleration of the ecological transition, on the contrary, widened the gap between Anne Hidalgo and her main allies in the capital, the environmentalists. In front of the dumbfounded right-wing elected officials, the socialist mayor and the elected Greens sent a whole series of accusations in the face. Environmentalists criticized the "lack of ambition" and "major inconsistencies" of Ms. Hidalgo's projects , as well as her "bad faith". "Would you prefer to be applauded by Les Républicains?" , she retorted vigorously.Please choose your fights, choose your partners, and also choose your opponents! " Applause, booing. While relations within the pink-red-green coalition which manages the city are, from the beginning, marked by mistrust, the socialist mayor's campaign for the Elysee Palace accentuates tensions, and sparks multiply. https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2021/10/13/a-paris-anne-hidalgo-et-ses-allies-ecologistes-au-bord-de-la-crise-de-nerfs_6098194_823448.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1634129798 Presidential election 2022: Valérie Pécresse also challenges the primacy of European law, after the decision taken by Poland Like Xavier Bertrand, Michel Barnier or Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate challenged the primacy of European law over the “constitutional identities” of the Member States of the European Union. "Europe exercises its magisterium within the framework of the treaties which are above our laws but cannot be above our constitutional identities, neither that of Poland, nor that of France" , however estimated Mr. Pécresse. “Europe is the Europe of nations ,” she continued. This means that our constitutional laws, our constitutional identity, each and every sovereign state, must take precedence over European jurisdiction. " Before her, other candidates at the Elysee had challenged the primacy of European law. https://www.lemonde.fr/election-presidentielle-2022/article/2021/10/13/election-presidentielle-2022-valerie-pecresse-conteste-egalement-la-primaute-du-droit-europeen-apres-la-decision-prise-par-la-pologne_6098192_6059010.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1634129754 Presidential: the left reopens the debate on the reduction of working hours Anne Hidalgo like Yannick Jadot want to reopen the debate on the reduction of working time, a theme already carried by Fabien Roussel and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. On the left, only Arnaud Montebourg is opposed to it, judging the increase in wages as a priority. https://www.leparisien.fr/politique/presidentielle-la-gauche-rouvre-le-debat-sur-la-reduction-du-temps-de-travail-14-10-2021-FH6FMKEQXZF5LP6U7HD7PSPNNI.php#xtor=AD-1481423553 Paris mayor Hidalgo wins Socialists' presidential nomination Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has been nominated as the presidential candidate of France's Socialist party, partial party vote results showed Thursday, despite her languishing in the race to unseat incumbent Emmanuel Macron. The 62-year-old politician, who announced her plans to run for president a month ago, aims to revive the fortunes of the beleaguered Socialists in April's election with a campaign stressing environmental and social issues. She won more than 72 percent of votes cast by party members on Thursday night, with more than 90 percent of total ballots counted, the Socialists' first secretary Olivier Faure said. https://news.yahoo.com/paris-mayor-hidalgo-wins-socialists-215217014.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvLzRRSEtqN0pjNlQ_YW1wPTE&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALPyp_1T6rvasF_zP6SYJe4KpLhVRNvy9uSI3sQjBB6y5rIz3GJRSZ45jlRlgP39yi1YhB07vefsg9AZClpTQRQVdlK0OeyW7Hf5FDfSR-mQz1i4fKjxy4BwVKT7GACyu1fDGGnJO3wdQRCaRbHcrLpbR-pU9KmbTne_d8hLk2mX
  6. Welcome to the official thread for the upcoming French presidential election! I will be updating this thread with news, polling and eventually the results of the election. Everyone is welcome to share updates as well! But first a little background information if you're unfamiliar: MAJOR PARTIES La République En Marche! | Centre/Centre-right Les Républicains | Centre-right Parti socialiste | Centre-left Mouvement démocrate – MoDem | Centre/Centre-right Rassemblement national | Far-right La France Insoumise | Left-wing/Far-left Parti communiste français – PCF | Left-wing Europe Écologie Les Verts | Centre-left The government and political system in France The electoral system in France The formation of French government Check out current polling here: https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/france/ Source: https://www.expatica.com/fr/living/gov-law-admin/french-government-107814/
  7. The party’s over for Europe’s center right In an unlucky span of 13 days, Europe’s predominant political family — the European People’s Party — saw its most seasoned leader, Angela Merkel, walk into the sunset and its brightest new star, Sebastian Kurz of Austria, crash to Earth. The party of EU founding fathers such as Schuman, De Gasperi and Adenauer — and more recently of Berlusconi, Sarkozy and Van Rompuy — has now entered what some party leaders are calling its worst spell in the political desert that any of them can remember. The EPP, which has dominated EU politics for decades, remains the largest faction in the European Parliament and Ursula von der Leyen, a disciple of Merkel’s, still holds the European Commission presidency. But the EPP currently claims just nine of the 27 seats for heads of state and government around the European Council table. Perhaps even more shockingly, if a new Social Democrat-led government forms in Berlin, as is widely expected, the westernmost European capital with a conservative leader will be Ljubljana. https://www.politico.eu/article/europe-center-right-epp-party-over-sebastian-kurz-angela-merkel-exit/amp/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=RSS_Syndication&__twitter_impression=true
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