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A Little Monsterrr

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Everything posted by A Little Monsterrr

  1. i actually love this name. it's better than skadoodledaily's
  2. i don't think i have any and i was 10 at the time. i was only good at songwriting but not making music which has been a problem rn. i'm trying to get myself to make music but i lost motivation but yeah. also, you're not a vampire. i see
  3. @admin may I ask, are you going to change the forum's name? my friend told me the forum's name is cringy because apparently it's only relevant until gaga releases a new album. I'm fine with the name just so anyone knows
  4. dark mode? yay i'm not gonna get blinded when i turn my lights off before i sleep and i go here!
  5. i made music and uploaded it on yt 3 years ago but i deleted it because i hated it even though people liked it :) this is out of topic so nvm this
  6. yas omg!!!!! britney and amy winehouse yasss taste
  7. ah The Cure- Lady Gaga (1068) 911- Lady Gaga (1001) Fun Tonight- Lady Gaga (182) Poker Face- Lady Gaga (82) Gypsy- Lady Gaga (80) the gap between them are just funny bc i stream on yt usually, not on last.fm or spotify
  8. welp i'm not shocked at everyone here being older than me. usually the people/little monsters here and everywhere are like 14+ so yeah
  9. why does it look like grammarly but mine looks bad
  10. why does autocorrect exist in the first place? like pls no.
  11. istg people still spell Gaga's name like back in 2008 or 2009 "GaGa". I get it, it came from queen's "radio ga ga" but like, Gaga is easy
  12. ah i know one more: you ask someone something and they said "what? sorry i didn't hear you. what was it again?" so you just repeat what you said to them but when you say "what? sorry i didn't hear you. what was it again?", they just ignore and get annoyed at you like what's the logic?
  13. i'm listening to pure silence. i'm not in the mood to play music rn. i'm usually like this when i'm not attending therapy but i did attend tho
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