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A Little Monsterrr

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  1. People get mad at me for saying religion is man made and always black and white when in fact it is man made and black and white. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who will get offended by it. I just think as the years go by, I just think everything that is in the bible is just a misinterpretation of what God really said like I don't think God or Jesus really said "if you do this, you go to heaven" or "if you do that, you go to hell". About religion being man made, what I mean is there was technically no religion when the world started/was formed. Anyways, that's my rant about religion.


    One last thing, I don't get the point of degrading/dehumanizing someone that's "different" (being part of lgbt community specifically) based on a belief system that was man made is just pointless. The bible said God created all humans based on His liking so if God liked someone to be created to love someone of the same gender, let them be. we're all human after all- being someone that's "different" doesn't make us inhuman or even mean we could be treated like animals. Homophobic people should just stop istg. Being gay, bi, lesbian, trans or anything you identify as doesn't make you different from this world or anything really. It makes you express yourself more being who you really are and love who you want to love without any hesitations and judgement in life and I think that's what should really matter. 


    K that's my rant. It's prob all over the place bc I'm just so frustrated and overwhelmed at everything right now

    1. A Little Monsterrr

      A Little Monsterrr

      exactly 👏🏻

    2. Battle For Your Life
    3. vvoid_xX


      the bible is like the hunger games or other books like that, a written story. and the bible is old but customs and the way we act change through time so the "rules" should to. it also gets twisted and re written to what people want it to be all the time.

      sorry for the bad grammar

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