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  1. Hey 

    Vote for little legend on Members Awards


  2. I thought I was stronger than this :( 

  3. I won't let people twist my words. If this site was the safe space it claims to be then the moderator team would not let this happen. This is the last time I will say anything about this.
  4. I don't want to talk about my GGD record and don't think it should be relevant here. I know I made some mistakes but theres nothing in my power I can do but we are all human and I have always been kind.
  5. This is the exact type of behavior that makes online gaga forums toxic. This user keeps flop reacting my posts. @admin
  6. Someone was talking about it on Twitter and I've been considering making an account for a while now.
  7. I'm understanding, respectful, kind, I care about how other people are feeling, but I don't let people walk all over me. Sometimes I'm too emotional but I always come out the other end loving who I am. I thank Gaga for teaching me how to do that even if I don't always live up to it.
  8. Jk please be respectful of other opinions though. I'm tired of Gaga fans hating on her work when she is obviously so empathetic and works tirelessly to make us happy.
  9. Fun Tonight from first listen. When I listen to it I can tell exactly how she was feeling when she wrote it.
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