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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. Link for the red carpet show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq4isO8ZYOZfmvGJ-_1UdIA
  2. News: I have a livestream for the grammys on my discord server. It will start streaming in 2 hours My server is a Dua Lipa server, so we are streaming to support her. You guys are welcome to join and watch, but no shade towards her! https://discord.gg/JKkYU8z2
  3. Does anyone have a livestream for the actual show?
  4. I just hope that Dua just wins something. She works way too hard to just get nominated!
  5. I just listened to the song and meh. LMRM >>>>>
  6. I apologize for being so inactive! I'm just focusing on my treatment for my mental health issues. I love you all and I hope to come back fully when I'm feeling much better and can be the person and moderator I want to be. :love:

    1. Daddy


      Take your time @Dirkje your mental health is more important sending you lots of positive vibes 

      we love you 


    2. Dirkje


      Thanks hun!

    3. YourPocko


      Get well soon .. we love you too :kiss:

  7. If you feel like it, apply :) That way we have the perfect idea of who wishes to become a moderator in the future
  8. Being a moderator is so much more than just sharing WPs. Do YOU think you have what it takes? Do you have ideas on how to improve this forum even further. Have you ever had the thought of joining us? NOW is your chance! Dont waste it!

  9. Everyone that feels like it can apply. Its not said you will be accepted, but we are interested to see who would like the job!
  10. I liked all the songs I heard so far. Great picks!
  11. Good luck guys! I cant wait to see who is joining us! :D
  12. OMG I'm so sorry for Gaga. She doesnt deserve this at all. I hope the shooter gets what he deserves!
  13. Sorry guys but my health means I’m not myself at all. In the popster launch I mentioned whats going on. I’m feeling mentaly really bad, I hardly can do something even irl. So sorry guys!
  14. I'm Dutch. We have stroopwafels, herring, liquorice, stamppot!
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