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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. Changed the title a little bit for buzz :)
  2. Yaaaassss! Looks so good! Time to hit the cinema in November, me thinks!
  3. OMG I love that outfit so much!
  4. News: Lady Gaga releases soundtrack of the new Snow White movie: "I can be the evil queen thats inside of me"
  5. Would you be here for Gaga to continue the Chromatica era with Free Woman as next single?
  6. What are your favorite misheard lyrics? Are there songs you misheard the lyrics? This thread is all about that! Post them here and lets start the fun :) To get into the mood, I'll post my all time favorite misheard lyrics video: Enjoy! XD
  7. "Academy Award Winner" Lady Gaga! What a queen!
  8. New recipes for Joanne the restaurant? I hope so! It looks good!
  9. I get what she's trying to say and she does have a point that there are people of any kind. Though sometimes you intend to do something and doesnt work out the way you wanted. People took it wrong, are offended and I hope that Camila comes with an apology. I really think this song fits the summer though!
  10. Happy birthday!

  11. Happy birthday @vince_martin88and @HotLikeMexico! I hope you guys are having a nice day!

  12. Exactly. 10 years ago when Gaga was at her top, we were indeed the most dominant fanbase. But like I said, time has changed and we moved on :)
  13. I think that times are changing. Understand that Gaga isn't in the same stage as BTS for an example, career wise. BTS and the fandom are big now, but when Gaga was in her peak, the little monsters were the dominating fanbase. I think its normal tbh. Also the fandom grows up, meaning that when Gaga started, most of us were teenages. If I keep it to myself, I'm 28. I still enjoy stanning artists but that feeling is different now. I like listening to my music, I'm a huge concerts stan. Other than that I dont really care that much anymore. I like reporting news because I care about supporting this forum. Its also why I'm a moderator, I like to think about growing and improving the site. I just dont care about the battlegrounds anymore. I see charts succes as material to report, other than that I dont care about it anymore. If Gaga fails to get a #1, I still stan her and will be waiting in line for her to buy the ticket to see her in concert. As I also am a huge fan of Dua Lipa, I report the news on my discord server dedicated to her. I'm the owner, so also for other artists its the same story.
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