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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. I officially cameback so its finally time for an updated pic XD
  2. Sup  guys!

  3. Womans world is growing on me tbh. It aint her best work but I'm glad she's back. I dont like that she worked with Luke though...... Why?? As a Katy stan I celebrate to finally get some music from her though!
  4. I like some Camila Cabello but this album aint it to me. I tried but it just doesnt click....
  5. To my spotify playlist as usual, its playing Fifth Harmony rn! (good music is good music to me, regardless its age!)
  6. I love this album so much!! I saw her live and she's such a superstar! She deserves to be a bigger star!
  7. Heey guys, its me, Dirkje! How are y'all doing? Its been such a while, I know! For those who dont remember, or dont know me. I'm Dirkje, I'm from the Netherlands and obviously I love my girl Gaga! But besides her I also love other faves so much! What has changed? I'm 31 years old now so a grown up who might look at the faves a little different now. I'm no longer affraid to add songs to my playlist of artists I dont nesecarry stan of anything. Just if I like a song, I add it. I havent been to concerts in a while, I'm just waiting for those of who I do see as my faves to bring their tours to my country :P So hows it going guys? :D
  8. Heey this is Dirkje here! How are you guys doing? I came back because I have to tell you something serious. Unfortunately my account on Discord has been hacked. I hope the hacker didnt do any damage to all of you. My account on the server I'm talking about is known under Dirkje ( Dirkje#5269) Please kick it, and delete any messages it sends you! @admin
  9. Potion is coming to take over the Summer while we're getting slayed when Gaga is coming! Life is good for a change! Potion is out in my country and I hope you guys are ready
  10. This is a bop. If you heard it already, hear it again. If you have yet to hear, do your ears a favor:
  11. None DUA LIPA and LADY GAGA sis!
  12. @Paradise is in my handsYour username is so familiar with Gaga's new song Hold My Hand. Say, is there something you need to tell us? ;)
  13. Imagine someone playing this song in the hospital at covid patients
  14. "Covid crisis is over" Lady Gaga: Hold my haaaaaaaand!
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