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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. I just updated the Charts Discussion archive and this thread is actually Part 16!
  2. Part 6: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: Part 10: Part 11: Part 12: Part 13: Part 14: Part 15: Updated July 13th 2024
  3. Good female power songs? There are tons of them! Btw to me, if a song is good, its good, no matter its age! To name a few I like: Roar, God is a Woman, Girl on Fire. If its about Gaga, then I would say Gypsy as one of my fave Female Power themed songs!
  4. I mean there aint many who can say they are succesful in both the music and movie industry. She still only needs to show up in public to get all the news sources talking about her, etc. Her impact is still huge today. She has her awards, etc. I bet that if she would go on tour now, without new material it would still sell out like she always has. So I say yes to her claiming the #1 spot once again ww, but I like her to achieve that naturally. With the power she has in her name and the fact that her music is amazing.
  5. Tbh Gaga doesnt need to prove anyone anymore, like she achieved everything already available. So I want her to make the music she loves making and not care about how to make a hit. Yeah, its nice to see her at #1 once again, but that shouldnt be her focus.
  6. Ugh yeah, I'm waiting for this!! But Ik that once she's here, the world once again wont be able to stop talking about her. I trust her :D
  7. anyone likes jokes here? Why did Adele cross the road? Answer: XD
  8. Though we cant have enough songs about Womans Empowerment so good for her!
  9. Whats up my friend? Hows it going? :D

  10. This is probably one of the best video's she made, in my opinion. And that sing is still a bop to me!
  11. Last time I was at Katy's tour, which was the Witness tour I believe, that was the case. I dont think she has toured around the world ever since, if we forget about Vegas.
  12. I officially cameback so its finally time for an updated pic XD
  13. Sup  guys!

  14. Womans world is growing on me tbh. It aint her best work but I'm glad she's back. I dont like that she worked with Luke though...... Why?? As a Katy stan I celebrate to finally get some music from her though!
  15. I like some Camila Cabello but this album aint it to me. I tried but it just doesnt click....
  16. To my spotify playlist as usual, its playing Fifth Harmony rn! (good music is good music to me, regardless its age!)
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