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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. Very nice! I’ll post my list later!
  2. I collect for years and have over 100 CD's(not everything is by Gaga). So I'll say make a wishlist what you wanna get and get started slowly. Realize that collecting costs money so you need to build it up. I usually buy in thriftstores!
  3. Any CD or Vinyl collectors here? Post yours!
  4. I'm gonna say Bad Kids. I know not many fans are a fan. but I love the song!
  5. Is Popa911 your first forum? We understand that it might look overhelming for you! Read the tutorials that will help you finding your way!


    1. little legend

      little legend

      wow at all the work here. Amazing! Well done to the mod team

  6. Sometimes you want to have contact with an user in private. You can do this by sending them a Private Message (PM). I'll explain how you do this. Thank you @Bakugofor letting me use his profile so I can show you! You go to their profile by clicking on their name. See the image below: Click on "Message" (marked in red), you will see this: Follow the instructions in the image and click on Send (marked in red).
  7. Statusses: If you go to the main page (Trending) and scroll down, you will see this: Before you can create statuses, you need to enable them on your profile. This is what I've circled in blue here: If you did that, you can create a status. You do this by following the steps, see this image: First you click on "Create"(marked in green) and then click on "Status"(marked in red) Then you will see this: Type whatever you like for your status and click on Submit Status (marked in red) to finish and post!
  8. If you click on "Edit Profile", marked in green in the image above, you will see this: You can edit your profile the way you wish! There is one important detail marked in red, which I'll explain in the post below about statuses. Once done, click on Save (in green) to finish!
  9. Aw so sorry to hear that! Wishing you guys the best!
  10. My advice would be to watch carefully then! ;)
  11. Now I will explain the green side! (Edit Profile)
  12. How to upload an avatar (avi) (The red part) To upload an avatar click on the little image like you can see in the picture above. You will see this: Step 1 (marked in blue): Click on Upload Photo Step 2: (Marked in purple) Chose Single File. You will come in the images on your computer. Select the picture you want. Step 3: Click on Continue (Marked in red) Then you will see this: Click on save and you're done!
  13. Probably amazon and webshops like that. Idk if your country still have music stores, though. My country has hardly any possibilities to buy CDs in a store. So I have to order online. I hope this was helpful!
  14. Personalizing of your profile: I'll explain in a few posts below everything you need to know about personalizing. I'm gonna start with your profile: If you wanna go to your profile, watch this screenshot carefully: Click on the green era first, and then the red era. You will see this: In the post below I will continue explaining the red part. Which is how to upload an avatar. Some people call it avi in short.
  15. In this post I'll explain with screenshots how to use a forum. I will explain the most important stuff that you need to know! 1. How do I start a topic? Click on the button I've marked in red to start a topic. You will see this: In the "Title" you will type the title. Examples: "Lady Gaga to perform at VMA's" or "What is your favorite season of the year?" This forum uses tags. Choose the tag that fits your topic the most. If you cant find the right tag, the thread you want to make probably dont fit in the right section. If you are unsure, you may ask a mod to assist. I've marked the tags in green. When you did that, you can type the thread. Sometimes you want to add an emote, center, etc your post. Then you can see the options I've marked in blue. Note: When posting an image or social media links, you simply copy its adress and paste in the thread. It should show automatically! If you're done, you click on Submit Topic to place the thread. I've marked this in red. Now you may expect some replies from other people! Note: Sometimes its useful to add a poll! If you are able to, you will find the tab "Poll". Click on that to find this: In the image I have set up an example. This is a thread in the making that could use a poll! Make sure to fill in each required field. This example needs more than two choices. I've marked in green "add choice" which allows you to add all the options needed. When finished, click Submit Topic. This will submit the whole topic, including your main post! 2. How do I post a reply in a topic? If you think a topic(or some people call it thread) is interesting to you, you may leave a comment. At the bottom at each thread that is open, you will find this: Just like making a new thread, here you can also pimp your reply. Note: only do this when necesary! If you cant find an option listed above, you probably need more posts or reputation to get it! If you're done, click on Submit Reply. Marked in red!
  16. Hello there! Welcome to this forum! If you have never used a forum before, a place like this can be overwhelming. We understand that! So in this thread I'll show you through tutorials how everything works. I will be describing how the forum works technically and personalizing of your profile. Also statusses and Private Messaging (PM) are explained! If you're still not really sure, feel free to @mention a moderator! They will help you! The moderators team: @admin @Dirkje @joesuda@Sir.Sim @SLAG We hope you'll enjoy your stay!
  17. There is no need to! I’ll show you by updating the title. We all started as a newbie on forums one day!
  18. If you want to say hi in an introduction thread for an example, you can do that by making a new thread. On top of every section you can, you’ll find “Start New Topic”. Click on that, and the rest should follow.
  19. Are you willing to add more questions to the thread or? If not I think the title can be more clear @holyxfad
  20. We dont do gifts with Xmas in the Netherlands but with Sinterklaas I got Positions :)
  21. Ikr? I cant wait for @admin to find out!
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