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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. That would be at least one good thing that happens to him. I think he deserves to get him in court for all he is responsible for
  2. I think that the Americans need to hold on and know that the time is coming soon that Joe will take over
  3. OMG too sad! May the poor woman rest in peace. My thoughts go to her family and loved ones :/
  4. I hope so too but I doubt it since it looks like Trump is behind this.
  5. OMG! Sound on when watchig this video: So scary!
  6. Looks like it. I mean is anyone surprised? Lol
  7. Means I was at a more iconic show than I already thought even though this scene wasnt recorded at my date!
  8. Update, my first CD is up for shipping and one of these days I can expect it. I got Breakout :)
  9. I think its supercool to see a bit of the process!
  10. Started with collecting Miley’s discography. Netherlands is still in lockdown so all I can do now is using webshops and online thriftstores. I hope to make deals today as I like to buy as cheap as possible but still legal :)
  11. We stan her for so many reasons and this is one of them!
  12. Neutral Neutral And I see no one tagging themselves so: @Dirkje
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