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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. I am your moderator and I have a very important message! Everyone that comes here should respect me!
  2. Conclusion you didnt watch the video above you asking yourself why you're actually here....
  3. Next attempt. Watching this video makes you question what the heck am I doing here?
  4. Wanna come back to this thread? Watch this video and think again!
  5. What do you mean he has nothing to do? Golfing maybe?
  6. The power of turning a snail into an antilope? That finally took action?
  7. Did Joe write the script of this? Ofcourse he was forced to, but the biggest surprise here is. He let that happen!
  8. Fact: Moderators can see edits! ;)
  9. It was supposed to be a fun way to let you guys know this forum is growing fast and something to be proud of! :D
  10. In that case I can say the same about my collectors thread lol
  11. He had chronical pain in one of his legs. And when a leg doesnt work anymore for a horse, its done. Like if a human breaks a leg, we get plasters and in a few weeks it heals. But with horses it can be fatal.
  12. Yeah I kinda remember that! Maybe you remember some of my older pets I posted in page 2 of this thread(i believe)
  13. So cute! Didnt you get your first dog in the OGG days?
  14. Moderators know the answer so they cant guess. Popsters, I wanna give you the opportunity to guess how many users this forum has now. And then moderators can give the correct answer a few days later if popsters go the chance to post a guess. So how many users in total do you think this forum has?
  15. And I lost those pets I posted earlier in 2 years time :/
  16. I'm so sorry to hear that! Losing pets is not easy so I understand how you feel. Make sure to take pictures now you still can. The memories will be all you can keep. Stay strong!
  17. Everybody has such cute animals! Guess what? I'll show you my pets from the past. None of these live or are with us anymore. My dog Frodo: He is a cross between a labrador and Belgian shepherd. My cat Lola: I also had 2 horses, just not at the same time. This was Patho: And this was Texas:
  18. Creating this I tried to wear the shoes of someone seeing this website for the very first time and never saw a forum. Now I use it to teach new popsters when needed.
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