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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. Again its not about me. Losing is part of the game, so I dont mind that at all. I want that to be clear. If I take my game for an example, I have a limit of 24 hours for people to respond. So that the timezones get respected, but so do the rest of the players. As a player I do have the responsibility to be in the game in time. That I wont be online on Tuesdays around that time will happen every week, the same goes for Sundays. So you guys may decide. :)
  2. If he thinks its a problem how about telling the media how it would be called. As I asume that calling it just a car wouldnt make him happy either!
  3. Not because its about me, because if it happens to someone else I would have the same opinion. I dont think I'll play again because I think that on a worldwide forum where everyone lives on different timezoners should get respected. If it has to be played in a certain time, it should be clear so people that live outside these timezones know its useless to sign up. Also real lives should get respected as forums are never more important than real life! Good luck everyone, may the best win!
  4. Or King as in the King of the Netherlands XD
  5. You can follow our growth! Click on search > Member search > Search members
  6. Yaay! Well deserved and something to be proud of!!
  7. LEADERBOARD What is your position in the game? You can check the progress in this post, the leaderboard! In the beginning it wont say much, but the further we are in the game the more interesting this will be! #1 @NYNJ Gypsy - 13 points #2 @admin - 11 points #3 @Delusional - 9 points #4 @Lorde Von Kok, @little legend, @Franch Toast, @Grasim, @donatellab - 2 points #5 @danwasd, @Bakugo, @NotDoctor, @blankpaper - 1 point #6 @StormPulse- 0 points Players who canceled their signups/got disqualified: ..., A little monsterrr, Breathin, Lavenderblondee
  8. You can see the status of that in the OP!
  9. Yes! But it has to be about you and everything is true. So there is your challenge, but a good outcome will be rewarded!
  10. I'm sorry! I do have a real life sometimes haha!
  11. In the OP I put an example, maybe it helps you!
  12. Dear players! Here is some more information about the game. Information I couldnt share while the sign ups were still open! Point counting: There will be 3 ways to earn points during the whole game. Way 1: Guessing Each round will be about a player. I'll be picking stories randomly but make sure everybody gets at least one round! Per round you are allowed to guess once. You will get 24 hours to guess. This will never change! This is my way to give everyone fair chances no matter where you live in the world. Also to make sure you dont have to be active 24/7 for Guess The Member. The remaining time after guessing is meant for you to do other stuff in the forums or real life but also for the fun comments. If you guess it right in time, you earn 1 point. Are you wrong or too late? You earn 0 points! Way 2: Through the stories If the round is about you, here is where it can get serious! This is the point when I say that the harder your story is to guess, the more points you earn! Here is the system: 0 right guesses: 12 points for you! 1 til 4 right guesses: 10 points 5 guesses: 8 points 6 til 10 guesses: 6 points 10 til 13 guesses: 3 points 14 gesses: 2 points 15 guesses: 0 points Way 3: Bonus rounds There will be bonus rounds during the game. When they will be, I wont say. You will have to be sharp enough to see! There could be fake stories, a mistery guest, second chances. Fake stories: These are stories I just made up. Could be about me, or about nobody. These are tricky! If you think the story is fake and it is fake you earn 5 bonus points! If you think its a fake story and it isnt, you lose 5 points from your total score! If its a fake story but think it isnt, nothing happens. Mistery guests: A mistery guest will be a story about a popster that didnt sign up! I will pick someone randomly and ask friendly if they like to become a mistery guest. If you think its a mistery guest and thats right you earn 5 bonus points. If you know who the mistery guest is and its right you earn 15 bonus points! But also here: if you think its a mistery guest when it isnt, you lose 5 points. Second chances: It is possible your story is one of the first stories posted. Everybody got you, 0 points earned. And now? It still wont mean you have no chance! During the game there will be a few moments you earn a second chance. If its a second chance round, you can earn the right to send me your second story. It will never happen you get 2 rounds in a row, your oldest story will be posted first! Thats it for now. If more information is needed, I will tell you when the moment is there! Here is the official Game tag list for this season: @Lorde Von Kok @danwasd @Delusional @little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @... @NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo @NotDoctor @A Little Monsterrr @blankpaper @Grasim @Breathin @lavenderblondee The first round starts Monday 18th of January. If you want me to start earlier, make sure I have your story! Thats all you can do to let the game start sooner. If you already sent me yours, maybe the just given information makes you wanna change or edit. Thats fine! Everybody can edit your story until the first round is posted!
  13. Game status: Sign Ups are officially closed! Thank you all for showing interest and signing up! I'll do all I can to be a good host and give you some entertainment! If you are reading this and wanted to play: You are more than welcome to sign up for the next seasons in the future! You can still watch, which can be just as fun. From the stories I have already received, I can say you can get to know the popsters better!
  14. Congratulations! You take the last spot!
  15. I hope I can make it tonight. I'm leaving home in 3 hours and wont be back for another 2-3 hours.
  16. Who is gonna take the last spot? Sign up before its too late! Guess The Member is full of surprises!


    1. Dirkje


      Sign ups are closed now!

  17. Yeah! And PM it to me. The story is the information the players get and need to guess who its about. The less people guess it right, the more points you get. But the facts must be true and really about you.
  18. Because I dont want this game to take too long (so it doesnt lose its fun at the end), only one spot is left! I will not be making more than 16 spots! Players that come too late are more than welcome to join season 2, and ofcourse they can watch!
  19. Sign up for Guess the Member if you havent yet!
  20. Lady Gaga once said.... Stantwitter should join popa911 ;) Nice video!
  21. Temporary game tag list (I say temporary because I didnt close the sign ups yet) : @Lorde Von Kok @danwasd @Delusional@little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @...@NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo@NotDoctor @A Little Monsterrr @blankpaper Remember I cant start without stories. In the OP you can find the status of that! :)
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