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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. Trump cant get in the White House anymore. Its now For-Biden!
  2. I'm not even from America. But Biden who takes a moment of his speech to honor those who passed away due the pandamic. Now THATS a president to me!
  3. Though imagine getting the inauguration in front of Lady Godga!
  4. Thank you for reporting news about this so quickly!
  5. Mariah might have released the right song for this!
  6. Keep on updating guys! I'm gonna tweet this thread now!
  7. If I see an opportunity I go for it immediately! I got Beyonce(self titled) and Lemonade!
  8. My status: I’m currently working on getting Miley Cyrus her discography. Also I was already working on Anastacia, I want hers complete as well. And then I’m gonna go for Kelis and Beyoncé.
  9. Update: The leaderboard has been updated. You can find it in the recommended posts. Players that used to show interest in the game at some point are honored there. Because even if I had to disqualify, I really appreciate them signing up in the first place!
  10. I understand what you say. I have solved this with the twists that are coming. They make that you are never really sure when the game ends. Also there will be moments players can earn a second chance! That someone is last cant be fixed, but with these twists it should be covered and make sure everyone has fair chances!
  11. ROUND 2! Lady Gaga: You guys think this excersize is that easy? How else would you be able to practice? The results show that this lesson is needed. We will continue until you get it! Dirkje: Agreed! Lets see who wrote story two! This is the story: I was born on an island surrounded by the messy people I would come to know as my family. The years went by leaping from island to land and then back again. In each small town I filled my time with gummy bears, arcade games and eventually worshipping wresting. Eventually I fell in love, even though I'd later realize it wasn't everything I thought. These days my loves are split between Gaga, sweets and a bear named Perry. Who is this by? You get 24 hours to guess. Remember: Guessing too late, and you earn nothing! Also you are allowed to guess only once per round! Editing is not allowed, so think before you post! @Lorde Von Kok @danwasd @Delusional @little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @Franch Toast@NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo @NotDoctor @A Little Monsterrr @blankpaper @Grasim
  12. I know this game can be really hard. To cover this, I added those twists as 3rd way to earn a lot of points :)
  13. Some information inbetween We are getting ready for round 2. And still two players did not send me their story. I have given many chances, but now I have no choice but to disqualify you. This is only fair towards the other players that did send me their story. I'm sorry I have to do this, but I hope you guys understand! As the point counting is based on the amount of players, that will change too, As its way harder to get perfect score with more players. This is the new point counting: 0 right guesses: 10 points for you!1 til 4 right guesses: 8 points5 guesses: 6 points6 til 10 guesses: 4 points 11 guesses: 2 points 12 guesses: 1 point 13 guesses: 0 points This is the new game tag list: @Lorde Von Kok @danwasd @Delusional @little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @Franch Toast@NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo @NotDoctor @A Little Monsterrr @blankpaper @Grasim
  14. Round 1 RESULTS! In total 9 out of the 15 players guessed. Make sure to watch this thread! A correct guess will be rewarded in points! This was the story: I have lived in or traveled to 3 continents (North America, Europe, and Australia). My favorite toy when I was a child was a T-Rex dinosaur. Twice I've slept overnight in an airport. I advocate for organic farming practices. I live within walking distance from work/school. This was by @NYNJ Gypsy! Nynj Gypsy may explain herself but only if she feels like to. She did a very good job! As some players were simply too late, but out of those who did guess. Nobodu caught her! That means she earns 12 points! Congratulations! Stay tuned as my next post is everything you need to know for Round 2! @Lorde Von Kok@danwasd @Delusional@little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @Franch Toast@NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo @NotDoctor@blankpaper @Grasim @Breathin @lavenderblondee
  15. The results and new round will come between 11 and 12pm gmt. This will happen each Tuesday because of real life :)
  16. We are discussing this! There are updates planned that might cover some of this already. I just got a little access to our Twitter account. So I hope to improve that aswell! We all love this forum and believe in its potential! Popa911 is meant to stay!
  17. I have some news. I have agreed to help Admin with taking care of the popa911 twitter account! I hope to be able to do more when it comes to promo bringing newbies!

    1. Daddy


      Don’t forget Instagram, we can use it to bring more traffic to this forum 

  18. No. Sorry I didnt make that clear. You are allowed one guess per round. :) For now, since this is round 1 where you guys might need to get used to this game I'll allow one edit. But after this round, no more :)
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