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Everything posted by Dirkje

  1. From today on my country gets a curfew. Already people call it required house arrest XD

    1. Daddy


      Take care ❤️

    2. Dirkje


      Thank you! I think that its funny that people are already complaining starting on day one XD

  2. Dirkje

    Song Alphabet

    Side to side - Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj
  3. Lemon Whats your favorite forum game we had so far?
  4. Lol I see his meme everywhere in my timeline. I guess a new bandwagon?
  5. Thank you for 2K reputation!

  6. Drivers License is such a good song. I'm ready to stan if the rest of her material is as good as this song or better!

    1. Dirkje


      For me it takes more than just a song to stan an artist. I also need a live performance from her. So I can judge if I wanna see her live in the future!

  7. Updating the leaderboard learns that @NYNJ Gypsy is still #1! Congrats and well done!
  8. Alright, I had fun watching Categories. Now its time for me to update the leaderboard! Including the points earned last round!
  9. Thank you! I appreciate how you take critism. As I really enjoy your game! Keep going!
  10. Yeah but I would appreciate it that if I do my best to come up with dance related terms, and I see Donald Duck and Easter Egg. I mean.... Come on. Isnt it the challenge to get creative within that theme?
  11. I was thinking the same. What has an Easter Egg to do with dance?
  12. 4 out of 5 were unique answers. Not bad for the first round I guess!
  13. I understand no one picked that one. I mean you shouldnt invite this lady anywhere!
  14. And? Did you C that your answer was unique? XD
  15. Hi! After finishing my job as gamehost, I jump in here. So I'm sorry for being late!
  16. ROUND 4: Lady Gaga: For the first time I have the feeling the classroom is finally getting it! Dirkje: Yes, you're right! But that is what school is for! Lady Gaga: Its time for next round! The story: "Like so many of you, I came here after the drama in GGD. I feel mixed about the whole situation. I don't support that forum at all anymore, but I miss some of my friends. I just can't convince them to come over. I'm a real little monster! Even though I only became interested in her after hearing Bad Romance back in the days. Further I also like Beyoncé, Rihanna and Taylor Swift. Yeah, I do like male artists as well. I love The Weeknd! But Justin Bieber not so much! I love music so much, but I never got the opportunity to see my idols live. For living I work as a gardener. I'm truly grateful I don't have to work from home!" Who is this by? You have 24 hours to post your guess! @Lorde Von Kok @danwasd @Delusional @little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @Franch Toast@NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo @NotDoctor @A Little Monsterrr @blankpaper @Grasim
  17. ROUND 3: Results! Hey guys! So its time for me to reveal the results of this round. For the first time the results get interesting! And so will be the leaderboard! I will update the leaderboard after posting round 4. This was the story: “I am a sometimes foolish user who has no clue what is going on half the time. I’m an active participant everywhere but the charts thread - too many horny people there. I’m probably the youngest person on the site” This was by @Delusional! And this time there were players with a correct guess! They are: @Franch Toast, @little legend, @Lorde Von Kok and @Grasim. Congratulations to the four of you! You will receive one point for being right! Even though this isnt a perfect score, @Delusional still earns 8 points for having only 4 out of 13 players to be right. @Lorde Von Kok @danwasd @Delusional @little legend @admin @StormPulse @donatellab @Franch Toast@NYNJ Gypsy @Bakugo @NotDoctor @A Little Monsterrr @blankpaper @Grasim Stay tuned for all you need to know for round 4!
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