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The Popster
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About ChromaticRaccoon

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  1. I think this is the first time Gaga has ever asked people to not record one of her shows- she even encouraged it at Enigma- so hopefully so. I'm sure this is going to be a beautiful performance and I'd really love to see it
  2. Maybe she'll pull an Ariana and do 1 tour for 2 albums
  3. I hope Miley Cyrus is one of the featured artists. She's kill a rock version of The Edge of Glory or Hair
  4. First of all I wanna apologise if this is in the wrong topic or tag, I wasn't entirely sure what to put it under. Okay, so I'd really appreciate some advice, because I obviously have my perspective, but outside views might help me paint a different picture, or reaffirm that I'm doing the right thing. I don't wanna get into all the messy details, but I don't wanna live at home anymore. Mind you, I'm a grown adult (20), and am fully capable of moving out, and taking care of myself. The problem is money. Currently I work at target as a Casual, three days a week for 3-5 hours each shift. This gives me a decent amount of money, not much, but enough to spend and such. The reason I only do three shifts, is because I also do uni full time, and that takes up huge chunks of my time. But I can't stand being here anymore. I'm constantly stressed, my father is low-key homophobic, and high-key controlling. My mother can be emotionally-manipulative, and can make me feel worthless at times (She's well meaning.. I think, she just does it unknowingly). But bringing it up with either of them results in nothing changing, and me feeling guilty about upsetting them. So, I'm thinking of taking a break from uni, maybe just for the year, maybe a couple. Just so I can work full time, earn some cash and move out. Hopefully then I can support myself and juggle uni on top. It'd be hard, but perhaps a much better situation then the one I'm in now. Anyway, I'd really appreciate some advice. Tell me I'm being irrational, or agree with me, maybe somewhere in between. Anything to help me, because right now my mind is a mess or jumbled words and emotions.
  5. I love Rina, so I'm super excited for this!! But I also kinda wish they collaborated on an original song together instead
  6. I paused Rina Sawayama for this- and I'm so glad it did! I enjoyed this so much, it's amazing!
  7. I may have done multiple 10's on one album, I'm so sorry I didn't realise that was a rule? Do I need to submit another vote?
  8. I think, next to Chromatica, it's her strongest piece of work. From start to finish it's an adrenaline trip that seems to know when to perfectly add and decrease the amount of power it gives off. Song's like Swine, Dope and Mary Jane Holland remain as some of her best. Dope and Swine in particular are two of her most emotionally haunting songs. ARTPOP is loud, it's experimental and it's impossible to listen without feeling every emotion available Mary Jane Holland -Into- Dope -Into- Gypsy remains the greatest trio of songs to be created, and Applause the perfect album closer
  9. I only recently listened to her album, a week or so ago t be exact. I'm already in love with her, one of the best artists I've ever heard and one of the best albums I've heard. She's absolutely amazing
  10. Just imagine if it'd been on the original ARTPOP, Mary Jane Holland -> Dope -> Princess Die -> Gypsy = The ultimate slay
  11. It's one of her most beautiful songs. It's incredibly dark and heartbreaking, Gaga only has a handful of these kinds of songs, I think it's amazing we got to see into this aspect of her. I'd love for it to be on ACT2, and I think it would do well in streaming. Billie Eilish is proof these kinds of songs can be huge if done well. Unfortunately I'm not certain we'd get it on ACT2 (If we even end up getting ACT2), due to the controversies around both the lyrics and the royal family right now. But I'm hoping with everything in me that it get's released
  12. You burnt the bridges 
    and drained the river
    Who cares, whatever 
    Heard It all before 

  13. That pictures from Ms.Katie's video of demo lyrics Vs. Released lyrics You guys should check it out and give our queen a like for her hard work
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