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Everything posted by Joannesrats

  1. It looks like the post glitched and edited to something else? I fixed it for you, though!
  2. hi professor, there was an error on the exam!
  3. i’m one more bad round away from dropping out
  4. So you have time to give out a few flop reacts but not time to even read a DM sent two days ago containing one picture? Make it make sense @Grande Legend
  5. I saw a picture of them floating around recently from something Freddie related!
  6. wait so this round DID impact the leaderboard? i thought LL productions listened to the players and some players complained about it impacting the leaderboard
  7. wow we have enough to go to round 12 now
  8. that should've been MINE @little legend congrats bye enjoy @GitHub
  9. the way my celeb won this round and i'm not getting the points for it
  10. and keep your 'life and death' comments to yourself
  11. it's clear to me now that you don't understand why it's flopping so any improvements made probably wouldn't be the ones that were needed
  12. you're one of the damn judges you are getting the complaints stop dismissing your players that's why this round is so quiet
  13. i said this before the theme was even revealed, i think
  14. since when was ms. helen keller a judge
  15. well none of us wanna watch a challenge that we hated and flopped on unfold
  16. it's fine, my original celebrity is gonna slay so i'm not too upset i was mostly embarrassed for the judge's poor taste
  17. because it was a good look and i was banking on everyone else failing, as they usually do
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